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i stuff some things into a small bag and sling it over my shoulder, getting ready to go out.

leon walks downstairs a few seconds later as i'm trying to put my left shoe on, and hopping on one leg.


"you need help?" he chuckles watching as my cheeks heat up.

"i think i handle it," i say almost falling over but managing to keep my balance. "you know how you have those moments that you never want to forget and you bring up ages after?" he nods, "yeah this isn't one of them." i tell him and he laughs.

"okay, i got it." the blond checks his phone, frowning slightly.

"is everything okay?" i ask hesitantly, studying his face for some emotion. 

"um..no. it's fine. let's just go." he quickly shoves his phone in his back pocket and flashes me a quick smile before walking out the door.


"ugh! he's not answering." i groan, slamming my phone down on the table.

"look, he's probably with dev. just relax." riley puts a hand on my shoulder, comfortingly while evan tries calling devon again.

"i hate them." evan sighs, slumping back onto the couch with a loud thud.

"tell me about it. if they're okay, they're just plain dicks for not answering." i nuzzle into riley as she plays with my hair.

"wasn't he just supposed to stay for the night maybe even the day after?" evan asks from his spot across the room.

"yeah, but i guess he stayed longer?" i shrug, sending another text.


my phone keeps buzzing, but i try to ignore it as i watch devon take some pictures of the field.

she smiles softly down at her camera, making me smile.

since when do i get to spend my time with a pretty wild haired girl who smiles at pretty plants and finds the beauty in literally everything?

i've been asking that a lot lately.

i mindlessly pick at the grass in my surrounding area, watching both of our phones blow up with texts and calls from our friends.

i finally decide to reply to blake with a simple "we're okay" before shutting my phone off.

"hey, woah." devon's eyes widen a bit as she sees all the notifications on her phone.

"yeah, they must be worried. i texted blake that we're okay." i stifle a laugh and pat the spot next to me, motioning dev to sit down.

"this is nice." the blonde haired girl locks eyes with me, smiling. i nod and offer a small smile making sure it looks genuine.

not that i'm not having fun. i just have way too much on my plate.

"thank you for hanging out with me, by the way." i look straight ahead, but i feel devon still looking at me.

"anytime, i'm pretty much always here. if you need me that is." she mumbles the last part making me grin.

"right back at you. anyways, enough of this sappy shit. let's go have fun!" i take her hand and pull her up.

i rush both of us to a small playground that was barely visible from out old spot.

"you're such a child."

shh. let's not talk abt it. ik. short and shit. but it's ok, you'll forgive me bECAUSE i just went through hell. aka there was a spider, and it crawled on me, and now i lost it so i can't even be happy that it's gone. bECAUSE ITS MISSING. and it's only 4am which means i can't wake my parents up or go to sleep (which sucks because i actually have things to do l8r) and i'm going to go into full panic mode soon. send help bye.
- ps. this is probably gonna get rewritten bc it's too jumpy but i needed to get something out soz but stay tuned for a few new updates unless i decide to actually do my homework (yes summer homework ik i also wanna die) (but also this a/n is hella long soz again. aNYWAY CREDS TO CODY AND NATE FOR MOTIVATING ME)

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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that blink-182 songOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz