chapter 12 - Voodoo Child

Beginne am Anfang

Auria was sitting in her family mausoleum, kneeling in front of the book for the Hollow, chanting a spell to get the answers that she needed. "Cencahua ezhuia. Cencahua ezhuia. Cencahua ezhuia. Cencahua ezhuia."


Land of the Dead 

Night - Woods

Auria seemed to be transported into the land of the dead, walking through the woods toward a hovel home where Inadu had been born and raised with her mother. She could hear a baby crying from here, slowly walking closer, lifting the flap to walk inside.


Land of the Living 

Lafayette Cemetery - Rayvnne Tomb

Auria was pulled back into her body when she heard the ritual being disrupted by a couple of witches walking inside. "I was wondering when you guys were gonna come for me."

"We're here to take back what belongs to our master," Witch 1 told her, looking at the book.

Auria stood. "Well, you're gonna have to kill me first."

Witch 1 smirked. "She was wishing you'd say that. But you know that she can't kill you, Auria. Not if she wants more power."

Auria looked between the two witches on either side of her, turning around to see another witch walk closer from behind her, raising her arm, using magic to throw Witch 3 up into the ceiling above, dropping him to the floor. Witch 2 ran toward Auria to push her to the floor. Auria grabbed an animal bone from the floor, stabbing Witch 2 in the throat, pushing him off of her, standing. Witch 1 held Auria in place with a spell, casting a powerful pain infliction spell that made her stop and fall unconscious so that he could grab the book and leave with it.


Worlds Colliding (The Originals)


Lucien's Penthouse - Bedroom

(Song:) White Noise - Ella Vos

Kassandra and Lucien were in bed, laying back underneath the covers, both breathing a little heavily, looking at each other, smiling.

"I really hope you have something else in mind other than this to make things right, because we cannot spend every hour of every day like this, though we would like to," Kassandra told him.

Lucien chuckled. "I know, and it's not my only idea on making amends. But are we complaining about this method?"

"No," Kassandra answered. "Just a tad curious on how one never seems to tire."

Lucien smiled. "Oh, love, stamina's never been our issue, be it the way we were before, or the way we are now." Kassandra tried to hide an embarrassed smile, unable to resist a subtle blush, so she placed her head on Lucien's chest to cover it up. Lucien laughed softly in amusement. "The one good thing about the way you are now is that I can embarrass you. Before, comments like these just earned me an amused look. Now, I can get a very amusing reaction out of you."

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