Red X appears

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~Emily's POV~

we were all on a mission we don't know who but someone had broken in to this warehouse but for what i don't know we all make it to the top floor and see..."Red X?" i ask "I thought Robin was Red X!" BB says i nod agreeing with him "Think again" Red X says as he fires X's from both palms "Titans! Go!" me and Robin yell as we jump out of the way of the X's as they explode as the smoke clears i see Red X charging at Raven and goes for a flying kick Raven puts up goes another barrier but he disappears in midair then reappears behind her a low sweeping kick cuts her legs out from under her he vanishes again, then comes back a moment later once she has hit the ground He pulls out another X, this one folded up and flicks it out like a switchblade Before he can do anything with this weapon a starbolt blasts it out of his hand Starfire keeps trying to hit him but misses each time Red X dodging every starbolt that comes his way and rebounds off the far wall the return trip carries him over Star's head he kicks her in the back  destracting her for a moment as he keeps running Star has to move fast in order to catch up she keeps firing at him as me, Robin and BB follow suit on the ground waiting for an oping Red X turning in midair to face Star he shoots a red energy beam from each hand these hit two adjacent vertical girders and fall down to form a large X Star flies right into the center of this, gets blasted with one scream and drops out "damit thats 2 of us just who is this guy?" i ask myself as BB goes for the next attack Up go's Beast Boy as a pterodactyl down he comes as a large, roaring orangutan-but the enemy shoves an X into his mouth, wedging the jaws wide open, and gets away easily. The green primate struggles with the device for a moment, then becomes a hippopotamus and opens wide to let it drop free. One glance toward the floor shows him just how precarious his position really is-a massive animal balanced on a single steel beam, after all-and he slides halfway down to hang from his front legs. The strain is too great; he plummets into a stack of crates, while Red X drops neatly to the floor nearby hes good ill give him that i need to wait for my chance to attck Red X looks up now Cyborg rushes in for his turn in response, an X is fired from one gloved palm Cy skids to a halt, but instead of striking him, the projectile stops just short of his face and extends itself like a pair of giant rubber bands. Each of the four ends adheres to a different crate in the stacks these are then pulled back in at high speed, smashing against him Beast Boy returns to human form and Starfire swoops down from above Pant a hit as he looks off to his other side and Raven moves in there, then Cyborg stands up from the pounding he just took The big man flicks a chip of wood off his shoulder and brings up his sonic cannon Beast Boy turns into a Sasquatch, Raven levitating a crate "Come on, kids X marks the spot" Red X says and points to his chest Robin goes to attack but i grab him "wait" i tell him he nods as Cy's cannon blast slices toward Red X just as it reaches his location he leaps to avoid it and does a second jump that puts him on the floating crate Pushing off from this spot he dives past a few starbolts and comes down in a crouch Beast Boy roars and lifts both fists, but Red X vanishes just in time to avoid their impact BB has a puzzled look on his face as both girls regroup a stack of crates behind the trio falls down on to them as Red X appears on top it i let go of Robin "ok lets do this" i tell him as we both go in and kick Red X all 3 of us keep up with on and other soon Robin has him pind agenst the wall "Who are you?" Robin asks "If I wanted you to know that, would I be wearing a mask?" Red X asks as he grabs on to Robins wrist sending a powerful jolt of electricity up Robin's arm to incapacitate him and lands a left jab to the face sending him in to some crates his impact smashes them i growl as the team gets behind me "Azarath Metrion..." Before Raven can finish the incantation, an X sails into view between her and Cyborg; it zaps both and causes each one's shot to blast the other Red X: "Looks like you got your wires crossed" Red X says as he doges both mine and Star's attacks holding both arms straight out he fires two large X's ahead of himself i doge just in time as Star stops in mid-air and promptly gets plowed away by the device, which sticks itself to the wall to bind her there Red X then pins me to the wall "You know, cutie the only crime here is that you and I haven't gone out on a date" he says to me i smirk "sorry sweet heart but your not really my type" i tell him then take a deep breath letting out a sonic scream the sound wave creates a blast that sends him thudding into a crate stack when he looks up, he finds Beast Boy charging in he turns into a bear but Red X slams one palm flat onto the floor, sending glowing red lines out in all four directions to form a large X. Snap to black, which is cleaved by one of the streaks and then opens to show the warehouse from below floor level as everyone but me and Robin just shifted to the basement Beast Boy, in mid-leap, drops like a rock as Red X steps to the edge of the fissure he has just opened "Watch your step" Red X calls as he leaps across the opening he then puts one of his black boots down on to Robin's chest and nudges him aside he then reach's down and picks something up he then makes a run for it i start running after him on the other side of the huge hole he made im not letting him get away Robin gets up to chase him but an X flashes into view and wraps up his ankles, leaving him to fall forward onto his face Red X stops and faces him as i jump up on to a beam running across it towards them "Better luck next time, kid and thanks for the suit" Red X says to Robin as he presses a button on the belt but nothing happens "Come on, come on!" he yells at the belt as i jump down by Robin as Red X runs off "go after him!" Robin yells i nod and follow suit he jupms out the window and on to the roof and i do the same he jumps up into the air "Catch you later Cutie" he says to me as he disappears Robin catches up to me and stands right by me as everyone else stand back Star flies up to Robin and jabs a finger repeatedly against his shoulder as Robin grunts in pain "Hey! Star! Ow! that hurts!" Robin yells "Then you are not a hologram?" she asks "no hes not Star" i tell her she nods but gives Robin a suspicious look "The last time we faced the Red X, he was you in disguise, and you were not really there" Star says while still poking him "STARFIRE, CUT IT OUT!!" Robin yells "He is not a hologram!" Star calls happily "He could still be a robot check him for batteries" BB says to Cy who nods and puts on a glove "Wait! Please! It wasn't me! I promise!" Robin says in panic "It wasn't Robin" i tell them and they all nod i dont lie to them iv told them everything well not my name but iv told them about me being Robin's sister "Red X was a mistake a mistake I won't ever make again" Robin tells us as he walks off "come on guys lets head home" i tell them they nod and start following me who was he?

X marks the spotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें