You Could Be

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People were so...judgmental.

So just because Saitama didn't look like the stereotypical hero meant that he was probably a villain all because he was so focused on trying to look for hero work he could do?!

A dark look graced your normally serene and kind features as the random civilian continued to make your husband out to be a bad person.

And that 'hero', Tank-Top Tiger was it? You could feel the ego practically rolling off of him in waves. What kind of hero looked for a fight with another fellow hero just so it would make him look good?!

While you knew that not all heroes were what they were because they wanted to serve and protect humanity, it nonetheless sickened you how feeble-minded some were to become one just for the popularity and fame it entitled.

"Wanna go a little wild here and make me look good?" An infuriating smirk was set on the striped male's lips as he stared down at your husband who had more of a hero's spirit in his pinky finger than he did in his whole body.

"Oh I'll make you look good. Look good in black and blue that is"

While you may have been a patient and understanding person, there were just some things you had no patience for.

As if feeling the daggers you were practically stabbing the other C Class hero with, Saitama's attention was torn away from him and on to you instead.

"(Name), DON'T" Was the kind of look he was giving you, shaking his head as he tried to dissuade you from doing anything brash.

This was his fight and he would never forgive himself if you got hurt because of him.

He knew how fierce you could be when it came to the people you cared about, even going as far as picking fights with people MUCH stronger than you.

Then again, can he really blame you? You picked it up from him, seeing as how he used to face bullies fearlessly despite always losing and ending up with several scratches and bruises.

"Exploding Shuriken"

Maybe God was looking out for you, you thought to yourself as several shuriken went straight for Tank-Top Tiger and exploded on impact, his heavily muscled body going down in smoke and flames.

Perhaps you should give Sonic your thanks later? He isn't that bad after all or maybe that was just you being biased, because you abhorred it whenever anyone did anything wrong towards your loved ones.

You might just be a normal civilian with no such power as Saitama or weapons and upgrades like Genos, but even you could be ruthless when your precious people are threatened.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat