Chapter 6: Classroom memories

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Swayam enters the classroom and closes the door behind him. He does not go before Sharon and stands there in the dark. 

Sharon was still sitting there playing with her hair when she suddenly hear someone's voice.

Swayam: Sharon

Sharon: Swayam

Swayam: Yes, it's me Swayam.

Sharon: Where are you Swayam?

Swayam: I am here Sharon, near you. Just close your eyes and you can see me. 

Sharon close her eyes as Swayam continue talking to her. 

Swayam: Sharon, do you remember this classroom. This is where we confessed our feelings for the first time.

Suddenly flashes of their confession flashes before Sharon's eyes. Sharon remembers how Swayam had written I love you on their hands and they had their first hug after their confession. A smile appears on her face.

Swayam looks at Sharon and see a smile on her face.

Swayam: I love you Sharon.

Sharon: I love you too.

Swayam: This is where we had our last fight where I forbid you from talking about our relation to anyone again. I told you to stay away from you as I no longer want you to be part of my life and I was ready move on.

Sharon remembered his words and pain appears on her face as his words flash through her memory. He had told her that if he find a girl who loves him unconditionally, he will give her a chance and he will move on. As she remembered those words a tear falls down from her eyes.

Swayam saw the pain on her face and understood what she was thinking about. He knew that he was being cruel and mean when he had told her that he will move ahead with someone else when he find the right person. That day he had broken her heart completely. 

Sharon: I am sorry Swayam for breaking your heart. I should not have denied our relation before everyone. You know how impulsive I am and that was a statement made in anger. Please forgive me. Trust me, I really really love you a lot. Please don't leave me alone. 

As Sharon confessed her feelings, all her pain poured down in the form of tears. She started to feel breathless due to emotional stress. Swayam saw her struggling to breath and he rushed towards her with the inhaler. As he took her head and placed it on his lap, she opens her eyes and looks at his face with tears in her eyes. He pushes the pump into her mouth and helps her take the medicine. All this while she keeps looking at him. She then caresses his face with her hand and a smile appears on her face.

Sharon: Swayam...I....Love....You

Sharon loses consciousness after saying this.

Swayam: SHARON

Swayam carries her in his arms and rushes out of the classroom. He had already informed Rey about Sharon's condition and he was waiting for her at the parking lot. Swayam places Sharon in the car and they rush to the hospital.

In the hospital:

Everyone were waiting outside the ward as the doctor was examining Sharon. After some time doctor comes out of the room. Swayam runs to doctor to get an update.

Swayam: Doctor, Sharon

Doctor: She is absolutely fine. Actually, I should congratulate you guys because your efforts have become a success. She is perfectly fine now.

SwaRon /VruShan : Healing my Broken Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن