Chapter 2: Los Angeles, California | 1983

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Minutes later, the five of them were out the club doors, walking down side street. Ruby saw four motorcycles parked under a streetlight. Each was custom, made from bits and parts, and each seemed to reflect its rider. David was in the lead, followed closely by Dwayne and Paul. Ruby a few feet behind them, and Marko behind her, grinning all the while like a Cheshire.

"I hope our transportation is suitable." David grinned.

"I've never" Ruby stared at the bikes. She'd always been a good girl, never accepted rides from strangers. Especially strangers like these.

"There's nothing like it, girl!" Paul smiled. "The wind in your face, the stars above you, the good, solid vibrations between your legs..."

"Enough, Paul." David glanced sidelong at his lieutenant. Paul shrugged and stuck out his tongue, hopping on his bike. Dwayne had already mounted and started his bike. Marko was still standing behind Ruby, looking at David.

Ruby was half looking at the pavement, half looking at David. There was pink in her pale cheeks.

"Excuse Paul, everything has a sexual aspect to it for him." David laughed. Ruby stared harder at the pavement. Paul cackled, revving his bike.

"I noticed." Ruby muttered.

David slid on his bike. "You're welcome to ride with me, or one of the others. Though I think Marko is hoping you'd ride with him." The leader chuckled, as his lieutenants broke into laughter. Ruby turned a bit to look over her shoulder, at Marko. He grinned more.

"Okay..." Ruby nodded. Climbing on his bike, Marko offered Ruby a hand. David, Paul and Dwayne watched expectantly. Now or never, she thought to herself. Slipping up behind Marko, the others broke into yells of excitement.

"We go pretty fast. So you'd be smart to hold on tight." Marko's child-like grin danced in her eyes. Ruby swallowed hard, finding her arms instinctively encircling his waist. She looked out over the street, her gaze meeting Paul's. He winked and smirked at her, bringing another blush to her cheeks.

"We ride, boys!" David called, gunning the engine of his bike and flying down the street. Paul let out a howl and followed suit. Marko leaned back a bit, then took off with a jolt. Ruby gripped tightly to him, thankful he had warned her. The streetlights and cars were a blur as they rode past. She figured Dwayne was somewhere behind them, just as he popped up beside her and Marko, a cool grin on his dark features. Marko grinned back to Dwayne, pressing back against Ruby. Startled, she tightened her grip more. Dwayne laughed and rode ahead, catching up to the howling Paul and the solemn David.

The Lost Boys and Ruby rode up into the hills, through the expensive pricey neighborhoods that actors, musicians, and other famous people called home. Motors gunned, the powerful roars echoed off the two- and three story homes. Ruby had relaxed some, realizing these guys weren't probably as insane as she had first made them out to be. Her arms still encircled about Marko's waist; she tilted her head up and stared up at the first stars in the night sky. The view was better up in the hills, away from the crowded lights that eclipsed the sky down below.

Marko pulled up beside David, after running his bike between Dwayne and Paul who were playing tag while riding.

"The tree?" He asked David, over the bikes. David nodded and suddenly turned onto a rocky dirt path. Marko grinned again, following suite. The other boys laughed and caught up. Bumping down the dirt trail, they went farther, till Ruby realized she could see the entire expanse of LA from their location.

"Wow..." she breathed. She'd never been up in the hills, at least not on this hill and not at night. David had already dismounted and was waiting for the others at the base of a long dead oak, whose branches spread in every direction, creating a perfect place to sit and stare at the city.

To The Shock of Miss Louise (Carousel Series #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя