Chapter three of wcj

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If any of you are curious, '-Duck' was Kinktail's name before well... Kinktail

A round sun hung in the sky, blotchy clouds scattered out to the whims. Below the yellow blob of energy, a clan resided. AdderClan. Named after their main prey source, adders, they managed to survive in the heat of a thin desert off the border of NightClan.

Despite most Warriors having high knowledge and the common sense to know to go nowhere near the Adders without two to three Warriors on the scene, two young Apprentices decided to take their wise knowledge to the limits. Duckpaw and Goosepaw

Duckpaw and Goosepaw sat with their mentors, eyes careless as the two tom blabbered on about prey and borders. 

One was speckled in the pattern of a sparrow and owned a thick chip etched into his left ear. This was Sparrowgorse, named after his unique patterns and his accident as an Apprentice that gave him the chipped ear. He tripped off a sturdy stone and tripped down into a ditch like dent in the ground, which so happened had to be filled with stones and adders. Luckily no Adder found interest in the vulnerable Apprentice, but when he got dragged out of the ditch it showed a bloody nick in his ear. Since then he was much more careful.

The other was a dark ginger with charming eyes and a white mask around his face. He owned no scars and no chips, but he did have a lisp in his voice. Despite being hard to understand at times, he was quick and clever. He had killed many for his clan and never looked back.

Goosepaw looked over at his brother, who was grooming down his fur with his tongue. Goosepaw blinked and nudged him with a paw, sucking in a breath to speak,'' Duckpaw~''

The identical apprentice looked over, licking his jaws, ''Hmm?''

''Wanna go out and hunt?'' Goosepaw's voice was lowered so their Mentors didn't hear, ''I'm sure we could do it quickly~''

Duckpaw gave his brother a crooked stare and went back to grooming, a sure sign of 'no'.

Goosepaw gave a low groan and nudged his Brother again, ''Come on! It'll be quick!''

Duckpaw looked at his brother, and gave a sigh and stood, ''If it'll get you to stop bothering me, then sure.''

Goosepaw gave a bright smile and quickly stood, and without a warning bolted towards the clan entrance and like that he was gone. 

Duckpaw gave a long sigh and followed after his brother, his tail low. He never liked leaving camp, though usually only did for patrols, training, or this. His Brother was always prepared for something he called an 'adventure' which was usually just a trot around the territory. Slipping out of the camp he followed the little paw prints in the sand left by his brother and found the dark tabby staring at the sky in awe, jaws parted in a wide smile.

''Isn't the sky pretty?'' Goosepaw smiled, gazing into the pale fade the sky had, ''It's always so wide and open, and fr-''

Duckpaw cut in with a growl, ''I hate the sky. It's too... bright.'' The apprentice squinted his eyes at the bright pale sky, having the more sensitive vision out of the two. ''I also hate the sun and day in general.''

Goosepaw bristled as he looked over to his Brother, ''You don't like the daytime? It's so warm and peaceful! And life is everywhere!''

Duckpaw looked over, eyes narrowing, ''I don't like seeing life. It just means more things I have to deal with.''  Without speaking me made way over to the nearby adder stones, his head low. He justed wanted to get this useless tour over with.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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