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It hurts! It hurts so much! Please, make it stop, it hurts so much! I.. I can't make it stop! There's too much blood and it hurts so much, please make it stop.
I should lay down, why am I still standing? I'm so tired, yet somehow I'm still standing. It makes no sense. Body, please, I want to rest. Lay down already, it's okay
How long have I been here? How much longer will this take? There must be something I can do, right? There must be a way I can still live, I just need to find it. Think, think. There must be a way.

I can't think straight anymore, everything's becoming a blur. I should lay down, let the blood flow back to my brain. Yes, I will lay down. This'll help me figure out how to make it out or at the very least it'll save my energy until somebody finds me. Surely somebody will find me soon.

I'm going to die. Oh god, I'm going to die! I can feel it, I'm going to die! Nobody has found me yet. No, please, I don't want to die all alone. Somebody, please find me. I'm so alone. I don't want to die.

My mind is numb, I'm feeling drowsy. I can't think straight anymore, I'm too tired. The world looks distorted, I can't make sense of any of it anymore. My mind is numb.

Goodbye world.


'W-where's Han?! What happened?' Luke thought and looked through the crowds of people trying to find his lover. Han went out on a mission two weeks ago and he still hasn't returned, which has concerned Luke. He's been begging Leia to send out a search party for Han but she's been busy trying to be the general of the army(I think).

"Luke! LuKE!! Han has been found," a soldier ran up to Luke and stated. Luke's blue orbs widened and ran over to where the soldier was pointing, finally he'll be able to see Han. He ran with all of his strength and made it to a door that was wide open.

"Han! HAN!!" Luke happily chirped and ran into the room but froze at what he saw. There on a bed laid Han, dead. Leia crying on his left side and Luke hesitantly stepped towards Han.

"Han?" Luke fell onto the floor, tears racing down his cheeks,"HAN!" Luke sobbed into his hands and continued to whisper Han. Just why?

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