Ashes to Ashes, Watch The World Fall Down

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A life in the shadows, forgotten and unloved, is better than no life at all. I am seventeen. I have had no human contact since I was five. I have had many near-death experiences where I nearly starved to death. I live off of mice and the little water that drips through the ceiling. I haven't seen the light of day since then. I live amongst the shadows. I am one of them. I have become one of them.

The day the door to my personal hell-hole was opened for the first time, I was merely five. No one wanted me. My parents despised me. Orphanages wouldn't take me. I was thrown in the basement, expected to die. They locked the door and didn't open it again. At first, I cried. I sobbed. I missed the light. I missed the trees. I spent my days aimlessly wandering around the basement. That was when I nearly died the first time. Depression led to starvation and starving meant death. I learned to catch mice. I couldn't cook them but I ate them anyway. I nursed myself back to health. Nothing could kill me. Not yet anyway. I fell sick a week before my 17th birthday. I was sure I was going to die.

On December 29, 2452, they saved me.

A/N: Please tell me what you think! Its going to be a bit like Hunger Games.

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<3 Sierra

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