Chapter 78: Coma

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Manager-san returns after some time and sees Kaori sleeping beside Ai's bed. "Those two are quite unrepeatable. I do wish that Mikaze would wake up soon; everyone is really worried about you."


The clouds...they're beautiful as always. They float gently across the blue sky with the calm breeze that blows in one direction; the ground reflects the sky and it appears as if I'm walking in the sky. I'm here in this place again...then that means that I lost consciousness and it means that I'll be meeting him here again.

Just like in my previous dreams, I start walking towards one direction. I always thought that it never mattered which way I'd go since everything looked the same no matter where I went so I'd always just choose a random direction and walk straight until I'd meet Aine.

"Where are you going?"

The voice came from behind me so I immediately stopped walking and turned around.


"So where were you going, Ai?"

"I was just walking hoping to find you as usual."

"This place is the link of our consciousness; we're bound to meet one way or another. long as you're unconscious like me of course."

"Aine, it's you. You're the one whose erasing my memories, am I right?"

"Memories? Your data? Yes, it's my fault." Aine lets out a small sad smile.

"And those times when I'd shut down all of a sudden?"

"That was me as well."

"Why?! Why are you doing t—"

"Because, like I said before, I wanted you to stop. I told you that I was tired. I told you that I didn't want to feel any more pain!"


"You and uncle are so unfair. I wanted to die but you two won't let me...No one ever listens to me; everyone just decides everything for me! You're all cruel!"

"Aine, there are a lot of people who care about you and they want you to live. When they found you unconscious, they were all genuinely worried about you; they wanted you to wake up. You're still too young to die. You still have a long life ahead of you!"

"I was alive but I stopped living the moment that they stopped listening to me! I enjoyed being an idol but all they did was dictate what I should be doing and flooded me with work. At first, I was able to put up with it but then they started to tell me how to sing and how to act; they were controlling every aspect of my being and life. I wasn't enjoying anymore; I couldn't even be myself at work anymore. The songs started to feel empty and their expectations grew too much. I couldn't handle it anymore...I felt like my whole being was chained down...I wanted everything to stop."

I don't know what to say to him...I don't know how to comfort him; I'm not good with this. What would Kaori say if she was here? She was always good with conveying her feelings and thoughts unlike me; she would know what to do at this moment.



"Tell me, were you enjoying your life? How was your life?"

"My life?"

I started to think about the events of my life so far. Where do I start?

"I remember the first time I opened my eyes at the lab. The first person that I saw was the professor; he was smiling with tears falling from his eyes. He was overjoyed with his success in creating me; he even hugged me at that time and I remember that he felt warm. Then I remember him telling me his reason for creating me; I was a replacement for you. I was then raised in the same way that you were raised. I took lessons for composing, singing, and dancing—I learned everything that you were supposed to know. I didn't mind and in fact I was indifferent about everything even when they told me that I had to become an idol. However, as I got to learn more about music, I became interested in it and learned to enjoy it. When I became a professional, I was okay with everything since I was working with music however...there were times when I lost interest or motivation. Hmm...but I'd find a way to get back on track and continue on. I think that I was mostly indifferent with everything that happened in my life. There were times when I felt "sad" but I guess I was occasionally "happy" when I was working with music and with discovering new knowledge."

Me and AiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin