Bulletproof Heart

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Alyx's POV!!

I woke up to someone flicking water at me as I hid under the covers and groaned "Leave me the fuck alone CC" I groaned I knew it was him because he always wakes me up like this I felt him crouch down on my bed I poked his face "What are you doing?" He said confused "Trying to find the snooze button" I told him. Andy ran in and pulled me out of bed I screamed at him "Shit sorry I just remembered what today was" I looked up and saw him carrying out my suitcase today was the day me , britney and the guys go on tour with My Chemical Romance(Yes I know they broke up) I can't wait to meet Gerard and Mikey Way they are my heroes.

I quickly got ready I put on my black skinny jeans and red MCR top I put on all my bracelets and my red converse then my black converse and ran downstairs I jumped on Ashleys back he spun me around a few times then ran out to the tour bus that was waiting. I sat down inbetween Andy and Ashley we started watching Family guy for the first few minutes then we got bored and started drinking even though it was 11am we didnt care. Ashley knew I had a crush on Gerard Way but im with him so I wont do anything plus Gerard is married with a kid.We finally stopped of at a shop to get some snacks I ran out with Ashley I saw Ray Toro and Frank Iero at the sweet isle and I skipped down there with Ashley after me.

I got a bag of pick a mix and some red licorish I loved the red kind Ashley got the black licorish and I gagged Ray Toro came over to us "Hey you must be Ashley purdy and his misses" I looked up in shock Ashley shut my mouth for me "You will catch flies doing that" I giggled then picked up some fruit pastles. I ran up to the drink isle and got 5 energy drinks then I ran up to the checkout blushing that I just met Ray Toro I paid then ran back to the bus and saw Gerard and Mikey Way sitting on the sofa talking to dad. I dropped all my sweets and drinks I bought they both looked at me and I picked it all up and went to sit in my bunk I got my laptop and put on some mrcreepypasta and started drinking my energy drinks and eating my sweets I soon fell asleep.

Ashley's POV!!

I watched as Alyx ran to the drinks isle I spoke to Ray and Frank before going to find Alyx "Bye guys I better go see where she is and not spending all my money on energy drinks shes just like Andy" I walked away and went to the drinks isle she wasnt there but I saw a load of Rockstar Energy drinks missing I chuckled to myself then went to pay for my food and drinks. I walked back out to the tour bus and saw Alyx spying on Andy, Gerard and Mikey. I chuckled again and looked at the both of them. "I think you have a really big fan over there guys" I said as I pointed to Alyx looking through the crack of the door we all laughed at Alyx as she came over.

Alyx walked over to the fridge and stole some of andys chocolate "Hey! thats my special chocolate" He said Alyx looked over to him and gave an evil smile and went over to him and ate it in front of him.We didnt have to leave for another hour or 2 to talk some things through about the first venue. Alyx had bought her laptop in the living room and had her headphones in and as I can see listening to MCR.

Alyx's POV!!

I was listening to black parade and I was singing once I was finished the song I looked up seeing everyone looking at me with their mouths open. "Have I got someone wrong with my face" I said as I patted my face "No No that was just....Beautiful" Gerard said I blushed and ashley saw and looked away I thought he was mad at me I didnt know what to do! I walked to my bunk and carried on doing what I was doing before I went into the living room apart from being a peeping tom! 

Britney walked passed my bunk laughing she was officially drunk for the 4th day in a row we havent barely left for tour yet. I soon fell asleep while watching another MrCreepyPasta I woke up and we were at the next venue I overheard screaming girls outside I wanted to go out there and punch them I hate silly fangirls that just scream I hope I don't scream I try to bottle it up inside and wait until later.

My dad.....Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now