Chapter 65: Be With You

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Manager-san left us and I went closer to Ai. I was staring at him; he looks different somehow.

"Kaori, why are you looking at me so intently?"

"Eh? Ai? So it really is you?"

Ai was wearing blue and white shoes, black pants, a yellow shirt, and a gray jacket. I didn't recognize him immediately because he had his hair down; I think it makes him look really handsome and cool. He really has charm no matter what he does to his appearance.

Ai approaches me and takes the basket from my hands.

"You don't recognize the person you love? That disappoints me a little." He says in a teasing tone with a smile.

My face turns red in embarrassment. "Y-your hair is down so I didn't recognize you immediately. It really looks good on you, Ai."

Ai becomes happy with my remark. Oh my heart...his smile is such a heart killer; it's just too much for me.

"You like it this way?"

I nodded. "But I think that you'd look good no matter what you do. It's just that look too good."

Ai chuckles...He's so cute.

"The same with you; I think you're beautiful no matter what you do or look like. Kaori, why don't you sit down?"

Ai takes my hand and leads me towards the blankets. We sat down and he started opening the basket he took from me; I thought the basket had food inside but it actually had tableware.

"Ah, let me help you with that."

Ai stops my hand that was reaching for the basket.

"It's alright, let me do it for you. Just wait for a moment; I'll just set things up. I also brought a basket with food inside."


"Even when you're busy, you make time to help others and to be with everyone. You've done a lot for me and for everyone else; you're always looking after other people and put yourself last on the list. I think it's admirable of you but I think that you get carried away sometimes especially when you haven't realized that your body has become tired."

Y-yeah...I'm guilty of not taking care of myself indeed. I haven't told him about that time when I fainted. I think that it would be unnecessary to tell him about that now; I don't want him to worry.

He opens the other basket and starts taking out the food.

"When you're with me, I want to be the one taking care of you. It's not because I want to repay your kindness or anything of the sort but because I really do care about you, I get worried about you—I do love you."

"'re really adorable."

I couldn't resist so I poke his cheek and then he gets back at me by suddenly kissing my forehead; I became embarrassed.

"I can't resist teasing you at times. Kaori, I think it's cute when you get shy all of a sudden; sometimes I worry that another man would attack you."

"You're such a tease sometimes; a devilish angel. D-don't say something like that, the thought alone is unpleasant for me. I'm not interested in and I don't want to be touched by anyone else either."

"It is an unpleasant thought indeed; I'll make sure it won't happen. I'll be there for you and I'll protect you."

"Thanks, Ai. I'll also do my best to defend myself and to be there for you too."

He smiles and puts some fish and rice on my plate and hands it over to me.

"Here you go."

"Thank you, this looks delicious. Where did you get the food from?"

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