Mikaze-senpai notices the light under Kaori's door thus he concluded that she's in her room.

*knock knock knock*

No one answered the door.


*knock knock knock*


*knock knock knock*

Mikaze-senpai waited and waited but there was still no response. He decided to try checking the door and it turns out that it was unlocked.

"She left her door unlocked again. Sigh, how irresponsible of her."

He opens the door and notices that Kaori was at her desk, holding her pencil in her left hand with her head looking down onto the desk; he couldn't see her face since it was covered by her long hair. It looks like she was working on her homework or something.

Mikaze-senpai approaches her and notices all the notebooks and papers on her desk; there were also three scripts that were open. She has been working and studying diligently.





Mikaze-senpai gets impatient with Kaori and raises his voice.


Kaori got surprised and immediately woke up.

"Whaa! Yes! I'm Kaoru! Ah! I mean Kaori! What's wrong?! Manager-san, I swear I wasn't the one who ate your cake!"

Kaori then notices Mikaze-senpai standing beside her with his arms crossed; she scratches her head.

"Hehehe...Good afternoon, Mikaze-senpai."

"Good evening."


"I said good evening. It's already evening, Kaori."

Mikaze-senpai points at the window and I looked over; the sky was dark already. I suddenly got up from my chair.

"What?! No way!"

I sank onto my chair, placed my elbows on the desk and held my head.

"I-I'm sorry Mikaze-senpai, I guess I fell asleep while studying; I-I haven't finished my assignment yet! I'm sorry! I was also practicing the script for the drama series and a variety show that I was going to guest in...Ah! I haven't memorized that script yet! I haven't finished writing this song as well!"

I was completely panicking and I was confused on what to do first. Should I take a nap for a while and recharge my body? Should I finish the homework that Mikaze-senpai gave us two days ago? Should I continue practicing my script for the drama series that's going to start filming a few days from now? Should I finish memorizing this script for the variety show that I'll be appearing in the day after tomorrow?! Should I eat first?! What am I going to do first?! My head is starting to spin around like a carousel!

"It seems you've been studying and working too hard these days. I think you need to get some sleep for now."

"Ah! No! I'm okay! I-I'll continue now. I want to continue studying and to finish this and this; maybe I should finish this too...I-I'm fine! I'm also sure I could memorize at least half of these scripts by morning or so. Then I'll just take a nap before going to work and on the way to work in the car."

"I don't think you're fit to continue. Even if you continue now, you won't be able to absorb anything; you're body is too tired."

Mikaze-senpai confiscates the pencil in my hand.

"No, I'm not! I'm good to go! I can keep going; I did have an unintentional nap just a while ago after all. Haha."

"That's enough, go to sleep."


"I said, go to sleep."

I shook my head with a smile and flashed him a peace sign. "I'm really feeling fine; I've got to get these done."

Mikaze-senpai sighed and suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me up from my chair; I didn't know he was this strong.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

Mikaze-senpai dragged me over to my bed and threw me onto it.

"Ah! You didn't have to do that!" I said angrily.

"You wouldn't have gotten out of your chair if I didn't."

He then went over to my desk and started closing my notebooks, scripts, and he gathered my papers.

"You're too tired to study or to work. Even if you continue, you won't be able to understand anything properly or even remember what you've read. It's an unproductive and unhealthy course of action."


He then started putting my notebooks and scripts into the drawers of my desk; he was still scolding me as he fixed my things.

"Don't waste anymore energy arguing with me. Besides, it would just be pointless because you're not capable of thinking straight at the moment due to exhaustion. The only thing you should do and can do is to sleep and rest. You are not to study or to do anything work related until you get some rest first. Do you understa-"

Mikaze-senpai looks at Kaori and it turns out that she already fell asleep while he was lecturing her.

Mikaze-senpai goes over to her.

"You could have at least covered yourself with your blanket; you'll catch a cold if you sleep like that considering you're weak against the cold."

He takes her blanket and puts it over her; he notices Kaori's sleeping position.

"So you sleep like a curled up cat." he smiled a little.

He looked at Kaori for a while as she slept. Unconsciously he slowly leaned towards her but when he realized he was getting too close to her face, he stopped and stood up.

"...what was I thinking?"

He closed the lights and was about to close the door when he heard Kaori talk in her sleep.

"...thank you...Ai."

"You're welcome..." Mikaze-senpai softly said as he closed the door.

He was on his way back to his room but found himself thinking about something as he walked.

"She should really take care of herself more often. It's not only for her sake but also...for those who worry about her."

Mikaze-senpai suddenly stops in the middle of the hallway.

He puts his hand over his chest and feels something at a persistent spot.

"This has been happening too often lately. I have no data regarding this feeling at all; it's awfully persistent. Perhaps..."

Mikaze-senpai continues to walk with thoughts filling up his head.

Me and Aiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن