Forest Walks (Cobra Special)

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Your POV

You woke up next to Cobra this morning and smiled...
He was hugging you and pulling you close...
"Cobra~ Wake up!"
You giggled as he rolled off the bed and pulled you on top of him...
"Five more minutes...."
You smiled and lay against his chest...
"Okay get off I'm awake..."
You giggled as your boyfriend tried to get up...
"Cobra....can we take a walk in the forest today?"
He chuckled and combed his fingers through your hair...
You smiled and jumped up...
You trip over the blanket and sart falling in the direction of Cobra...
He catches you before you hit him and accidentally grabbed your boob...

Cobra POV

My hand landed on something soft and squishy?
(Y/n) screamed and slapped me hard...
She landed on my chest and flushed red...
I surveyed her reaction then the thing I was holding...
A dark aura surrounded her as she cornered herself...
"Y-y-you PERVERT!!"

Your POV

You sat there flushed and covering your bare body with a blanket...
(Yes you were naked...
And yes so was he...
Do the math...
If you can't, I'll do it for you...
You two had a night together but you still wouldn't let him just grope you like that...
He made his way over to you and hugged you....
You pouted and fake sniffled...
"Make it up to me..."
Cobra grinned and pinned you to the floor...
"Should I? Should you really ask me to make it up to you?"
You weighed the options...
He fucks you senseless...
Or he does nothing and you regret not asking him to make it up to you...
"I meant it Cobra..."
"I know you did..."

I'm not writing a lemon...not right now...

You held onto Cobra's arm for stability as you guys walked through the forest....
"You went overboard on making it up to me Cobra...."
"I know I did..."
"I love you..."
He smiled and placed you on his shoulders...
(Imagine like that one scene in SAO when Kirito puts Asuna on his shoulders while they walk through the forest...)
"I love you too (Y/n)..."
You chuckled and swayed slightly as you two walked through the forest...
"What ever happened to Cubellios?"
"I'm not makes me...uncomfortable?"
"'s alright then..."
You smiled and leaned over to kiss Cobra's forehead...
He stopped walking suddenly and you fell forwards...
Cobra caught you before you crashed to the ground and chuckled...
"Remember this spot?"
You turned your head and looked at the cliff you and Cobra jumped off when you guys were running from the Dragon Slayers...
"Of course I remember this spot! Now if my memory serves me right your exact words were, 'Muscle up Buttercup...' Hmm?"
Cobra chuckled...
"Correct dear (Y/n)..."
He smirked and tightened his grip...
"Muscle up Buttercup..."
He jumped and you shrieked...
You two plunged into the lake and surfaced quickly...
"Hehe...I love you Cobra..."
Cobra placed his forehead on yours and smiled...
He caressed your cheek and leaned closer...
"I love you too honey..."
Your lips met in a soft kiss as you two smiled...
You parted and smiled as he kissed you again...
He smiled and pulled you underwater you opened your eyes to find him shirtless and holding your neck...
He grinned and kissed you again...
You two surfaced...
"H-hey Cobra...let's get out of the water..."
He grabbed you bridal style and carried you out the water...
"I love you Cobra...."
"That's, like, the fifth time you said that..."
"Because I do..."
He chuckles...
"I know...same here..."
You laughed and combed your fingers through Cobra's wet hair...
He looked at you as the both of you layed on the ground...
"Take off your clothes, they'll dry sooner..."
"We did the exact same thing the first time we were here..."
You both put your clothes up to dry and lay back down...
Cobra grabbed you and put you on top of him...
You sighed contently and shifted a little bit...
"Keep moving like that honey and you'll give me a boner..."
You chuckled...
"Aww....Do you not like the sight?"
"I do like it, but I don't plan on getting caught...."
You sat up and smiled...
"Then let's keep walking..."
You both got dressed and Cobra put you on his back instead....
You sighed and felt yourself get sleepy...
You soon fell asleep on Cobra's back...

Cobra POV

(Y/n) is so cute when she does that...
I felt her head on my shoulder and looked to see that she fell asleep...
I walked us home and placed her on the bed...
I chuckled as she grabbed my wrist and opened one eye...
"Sleep with me..."
I laughed at her childish action and layed down next to her...
"I love you (Y/n)..."
She nuzzled into my chest and giggled...
"I love you more Cobra..."

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