Chapter 9: Done

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After spending an hour, tossing and turning whilst trying to fall asleep, Lyra thought Endean is the only one who knows what happened in that room. Without thinking she jumped off her bed, opened her laptop and started typing to Endean:

Lyra: Endean. I am so sorry for what I did...even though I honestly don't know what happened. I would really appreciate if you typed back. I asked Emmet what I did and he said he didn't know and that he wasn't with me. Sorry again. Lyra xx

After 5 seconds Lyra instantly saw: Endean is typing... pop up on her screen

Endean: Why can't you just remember?'

Lyra: I don't know. Apparently, I was drunk

Endean: With the amount, you had to drink, there is no way you would forget anything. You only had one glass of wine

Lyra: Did someone put something in my drink my drink?

Endean: I think someone did

Lyra: You were the only one who saw me in that room...What was I doing?

Endean: Let's just say I was checking up on you and I saw something else'

Lyra: What?

Endean: Your little friend Emmet isn't who he plays up to be

Lyra: He spiked my drink?

Endean: I reckon

Lyra: What did I do?

Endean: Let's just say he took something from you that I wanted

Lyra: No, he didn't

Endean: Practically I'm done with my life and with you

Lyra instantly thought about her dream where Endean had tried to kill himself by slitting his throat.

Lyra: Endean! Don't say that! Yes, I'm angry at Emmet and want to rip his head off right now but your acting as if you were only in love with me because I still had my virginity!

Lyra was getting angry now.

Endean: I can't deal with this! I just can't believe you allowed him to do that! Please just leave me alone. I don't want you in my life right now. Please just leave.

Lyra didn't reply to Endean's last message, she just sat there in a pile of tears, crying out aloud when her mum burst through the doors

'Honey, are you okay? I can hear you from downstairs' Kirsty went over and sat next to Lyra on the bed but instead of Lyra replying she reached over and hugged her mum tightly, taking in the comfort she usually asked Endean for.

'Is it Endean?' Kirsty looked down at her from the hug

'How did you guess?'

'I didn't hear Endean's car this morning. Honey, I knew something was wrong'

'He hates me'

'I'm sure he doesn't baby'

Lyra started crying again 'I just want him, mum' Lyra didn't explain anything in detail to her mum but after a while of chatting randomly, she left Lyra to try and fall asleep. Just before she drifted off, she changed her skype status to: ~I'm done trying. If you want me in your life, let me know. Bai. ~


Bit of a short chapter! Hope you enjoyed it though :) Dont forget to vote

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