Chapter 8- Party On Bestfriend

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Chapter 8- Party On Best friend

A/N: Hi!! Here's the special chapter because I posted so late :):)


After the saddening departure of Carmen and Alice, everyone split their own ways except for Finn and I, he offered me a ride home because his house is the closest to me, plus, he was going to help me out for my birthday party tonight.

"I love this song." Finn bumped the radio up to this classic audio of rock and roll.
"Geez, Finn. Give Katy Perry a try for once." I was always so confused with Finn's taste of music, even when he was drunk at the party I first met him at, he called the poptopia playlist 'trash'.

"Nope, I will drop you off at the side of the street if you mention at least three people who sing trashy music." He rolled his eyes as he started bobbing his head obnoxiously, "This song's called C & C by The Frights. If you like The Frights then you're automatically an angel."

"I'm giving it a listen, still not my type. Not trashy. But too hipster for my liking." I rested my head against the window, ignoring him yelling at my comment. After a short while, Finn and I arrived at my empty home.

"Okay, I don't understand how you are not inviting the whole school, your place is like a mansion." Finn traced his finger over the door mimicking an embroidered design. And he followed me into the modernized kitchen that still remains unused.

"You guys have been my only friends since I have moved here, I wanted this day to be with you guys only. But anyways, what drinks did you get?" I smiled.

"Well, I skipped on the beer choice like you said, and I got some wine coolers. And some sprite and grenadine so Millie could have Shirley Temples, because she likes them. Oh and for cake, this girl in my cooking class is a baker so she made you a vanilla cake infused with birthday cake vodka. And topped with raspberries. Exactly how you asked for it." He pulled everything onto the large counter.

"Thanks Finn. You are literally the only person helping me out with this party." I sighed, I couldn't help think of Gaten. Ever since that night he has told me he liked me, I didn't really talk to him after that. I wanted to, but I couldn't.

"Hey, you okay? You seem off." Finn asked.

"Boy troubles." I rolled my eyes.

"Same." Finn sighed, "W-wait, not boy troubles, I-i meant g-girl troubles." He stuttered embarrassingly.

"Who's the special girl?" I popped a raspberry into my mouth before putting my cake in the fridge.

"I like, well- no. I l-love this girl. And I have never fell for someone before." He looked down in embarrassment, ever since I have met Finn, I have heard many things about how he has never blushed nor has he peaked with excitement as he talked about a girl, I've heard the rumors of how he was always stoic--no, I KNEW he was always stoic, unable to achieve emotions. I was extremely positive he was a sociopath. Even though he was constantly in charge and to be honest, annoyingly self assured, it was fake. This kid couldn't show real feelings until I simply observed him with pink in his cheeks, I knew something has changed. This girl was nearby. I refused to think it was me, I mean we have only known each other about three days and the only real conversation we have had that involved flirting was when he was drunk off his ass calling me a sexy sriracha bottle.

"Um how long have you liked this girl?" I gulped, hoping he wouldn't look into my eyes and say something completely stupid.

"Like three days." He shrugged, my mind went blank. Three effing days-- it has to be me. But why has he fallen so hard for me in three days?

"Three days?! You fell for a girl under three days??" I questioned.

"Well no- I've always liked her. I just pushed it to the back of my mind because Mill- I mean she was going through a lot and so was I." And there it was, I caught him slipping Millie's name out. He was in love with Millie, not me. Well, that was one less thing to worry about.

"You like Millie..?" I smirked, his 3 millimeter smile went from ear-to-ear when he had heard her name, it was adorable how much joy it brought him. Gaten discussed with me once how Caleb, Noah, and him couldn't get him to crack a smile. It was odd that I was the first to see him grinning around like an idiot, about a girl who could barely smile herself.

"Well! Ask her to be your girlfriend. She's always happy around you." I encouraged him as we both sat on the floor blowing into dozens of balloons covering the area of the floor.

"I could but- she's going through this bipolar phase and I am just going to play by her rules for now." He took a deep breath into a golden colored balloon trying to make it into an animal but inevitable at some point the balloon popped making me shriek like three-year old with a killer set of lungs. We both giggled, and teased each other as we disguised the whole house to be a party kingdom.

"So, you never told me about the guy you like.." Finn waggled his eyebrows at me like a clown.

"I like Gaten." I rolled my eyes with blood reddening my cheeks making my freckles stand out, "He told me how he felt, and I told him I felt the same way but I couldn't find the courage to talk to him. The whole going slow thing sounded like a good idea but it just feels awkward." I shrugged.

"Well, it does seem a bit awkward. Trying to be friends with someone you know you like, and they like you back. Like get to the point, what are you waiting for?" Finn completely read my mind.

"Exactly! I don't know what he's waiting for. It stresses me out just being friends with him." I walked over to the speakers, blasting daft punk and twirling.

"C'mon, Finn. A little shimmy won't hurt." I pulled on his hand and he spun me around laughing like a geek. When I heard the music it was like liquid adrenaline being injected right into my bloodstream - not so strong as to freak me out, but just enough to make myself tingle and start to move my body. I'd never had a dance class, but I had jived to music since my early teens, I haven't danced in a while but I was a well oiled machine on the dance floor. I didn't dance to show off, to make any guys watch - but they did. Anyone that could move like their limbs were half liquid in perfect rhythm and still look strong were interesting to say the least. I was used to the attention and I liked it. But this one moment, I was dancing innocently with a friend, and I wasn't being watched, I was being danced with and I liked it. The music around us lifting gravity, I couldn't count how many times I squished his foot under my own. I smiled brightly as our feet clicked to the ground synchronizing to the beat.

"Okay, I'll admit that was fun." Finn pulled me into a platonic hug as the music slowly faded away, the new Finn was fun. The new Finn was in love and his beautiful personality was preserved by butterflies.

"Even though I doubt anyones coming. I am glad I got to spend today with you." I smiled.

"Everyone's coming, even Gaten." Finn winked, giving me another short embrace. I've made friends this past week, but I think I've made myself a best friend today. It's a great birthday gift.

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