Chapter Two: Just My Luck

Start from the beginning

 "Well maybe you should have let him taken your food because first of all nobody wants you there and second of all you kind of need to, you know, stop eating. You're getting on more of the heavy side." She just called me fat! Last time I checked being a size two meant you were anorexic. Instead on replying to her mean words I stand up on the table and scream "Hey everybody listen up! Just a question, would you rather have me at Chase's party or the group of skanks over here." Immediately after saying that everyone screams out Sawyer. Some freshman yells out "You're fucking hot!" I chuckle and reply "Thanks, and for that you can dance with me tonight!" and with that I look a Bridget, Ronnie and Sophia and sit down.

 "See, I am more likeable then you, so do yourself a favor and leave before you embarrass yourself even more than you already have." With a flip of their hair they walked away. I let out a deep breath. I really like this girl I have become. She doesn't let anything faze her.

"Wow she has sass. Do you want to save me a kiss because you know I don't dance?" Brendan whimpers.

"Yeah, you wish. I would make out with all the freshman boys before even thinking about kissing you.And plus he said I was 'fucking hot' so." The rest of lunch is uneventful we basically talk about the party and how we probably won't be going to school because of how hung-over we are going to be. I actually have never taken a sip of alcohol unless you count mistaking my mom's wine for grape juice. I might drink tonight it just matters on how I feel during the party. The guys talk about the girls they want to screw tonight. Of course Chase and Ethan already have two victims. 

"Damn look at the ass on that sophomore!" Liam exclaims. We all turn and look at a girl walking to throw her trash out. She was wearing skinny jeans and a button-up shirt that should have been buttoned up more. 

"That's Kasey Garrison. She was the one who hooked up with Danny Fields at Ethan's last party. If you want someone easy she is your girl. It is said that she lost her virginity in 7th grade to a senior. Apparently it was her ex-best friend, Hailey Williamson's older brother." I state.

"How do you know so much on this chick?" Liam inquires. 

"Oh she is on the volleyball team with us. She tried to try out for the Libero spot but since that what I play and I am older she didn't get it. I can introduce you to her after our meeting, if you want." I offer.

 "No it's all good. I'll talk to her at the party. I don't want it to seem like I want to date her when the truth is I want some action. This summer was a bummer. Normally football camp would consist of me sleeping with at least two girls per night but this year it was one because Coach pushed us so hard that I had no energy to have a quickie."

Skylar gasps and exaggerates, "That is such a tragedy! You didn't sleep with enough girls! You are going to die!" Liam pouts as we all laugh at his desperation. Soon after the bells rings meaning we all have math! I honestly love math! It has always been my best subject in school.

This year I am in AP Math meaning I have the best teacher, Mr. Harris! He is in he late 40's but acts like he is a twenty year old. He likes to do fun activities like on Pi day we spend the entire class in the Home Ec. Kitchen baking pies. I have been in his class ever since freshman year and so has Taylor. Walking into class we notice that it is still the same class as it has always been. There is no one new and no one left. Our class consists of the nerds that no one knows about and then Taylor and me. I still don't know what to clarify us at because we are no longer nobodies but we aren't exactly the most popular girls in school. That title belongs to Bridget and her clan of skanks. 

These people in our class used to be good friends. We would each lunch together everyday for the past 3 years of my life. Now it feels weird because they all look the same and we're totally different people. I guess not totally different because I don't want to abandon my love for education. Well, not abandon the subjects I love like math and English. I just feel like history is pointless in life. Is not like your going to use it during you everyday life. It's not like you'll say to your children, "Good morning sweetie! What year did Columbus discover America?"

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