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*Peta's POV*

Once Sharna had dropped me off, I closed the door and dropped to the floor in tears. Maks came running to the door and just held me. He knew it was bad news as soon as he saw more. He picked me up and carried me upstairs.

'Talk to me when you are ready Peta' Maks whispered to me as he carried me upstairs. He placed me on the bed and he lied with me. I turned over to face and I just looked at him.

'They lost it Maks. They lost it' I screamed at him

'Peta, breathe. They are going to be ok' Maks hushed me

'They can't ever have a baby Maks. Never in the whole time she lives. I can't live with her not being able to be a mother, she was born to be a mother.' I bawled

'They will find a way Peta; they aren't our family for no reason. We find a way and so will they. They are strong Peta and they need us more than ever now.'

'And I told her Maks. I will always be there for her no matter what. She is my best friend, my sister, my absolute everything and I hate hate hate seeing her like this. She doesn't deserve this, nobody does'

Maks didn't say anything to me. He just held me, calmed me down and kept me calm. I started to calm down and then I felt the urge to be sick. I leapt off the bed and ran into the en-suite, throwing up in the toilet.

'Peta, are you ok?'

'I feel fine, I think I just got so emotional, it made me sick'

'Ok baby, I'll go and grab you some water and some tablets'

I say ok and walk back over to my bed. What has come over me, I was fine earlier and never throw up after crying that much. Maybe I'll go to the doctors in the morning and make Maks take me. Maks comes back in and I take the tablets and drink the water up. I don't feel sick but the need to throw-up keeps coming and going.

'I'm going to put Netflix on, what do you want to watch P?' Maks asks

'Can we binge watch Friends please?' I begged

'How did I know you were going to say that ay?' Maks said laughing at me

'I would hope you know this well by now' I laughed

Maks laughed at me and cuddled close to me. Halfway through season 2, I ran to the toilet again to be sick. It happened a few more times until I fell asleep.

I woke the next morning tangled in Maks' arms. I felt the urge to be sick again. I tore myself from his grip and ran to the bathroom again. Maks came running in and comforted me. I felt this gut feeling that something isn't right with me and it wasn't a stomach bug. I got changed into something Adidas sweatpants and a black vest shoved on my Roche runs and left. Maks didn't I'd left but it was probably best.

I pulled up at Sharna's house and banged on the door till someone answered. The door opened to see and an exhausted Val. 'Val I'm so sorry but I need to see Sharna'. He didn't say anything but pointed up the stairs and I walked to their room.

'Shar, it's P' I walked in to see Sharna sitting at her dresser, braiding her hair.

'Hey P, how come you are here?'

'I wanted to see how you are! I barely slept last night, I was worried about you Shar'

'I'm ok, I promise, I'm a strong girl, I'm going to the battle through this. Val and I can get through this, neither of us slept last night but we have to go for rehearsal soon.' Sharna said with tears dripping down her face.

'Sharna, I love you and I'm proud of you. You'll be ok, I know it. But give me a second, I'm going to go and be sick.' And off I ran to the bathroom. I threw-up and then rinsed my mouth and went back to Sharna.

'Peta, are you ok? Do you want me to go to the doctors with you before I go to the studio?'

'Yes, please. I'm taking you with me, that's also the other reason I came here. There's something wrong with me and I can feel that it's not a stomach bug Shar' I said crying.

'Ok Peta, lemme drive you there' Sharna grabbed my hand and my keys and we went to the doctors. She kissed Val on the way out and told him she loved him. He replied, being all mushy and lovey-dovey to one another. We got in the car and went to the doctors.

*At the Doctors*

'Peta Murgatroyd' the doctor called my name out and Sharna and I followed him into the consultation room.

'What can I do for you today Peta?' the doctor questioned

'Well since yesterday, I've been throwing up quite a lot and I'm not entirely sure why because it doesn't feel like a stomach bug' I said

'Well, if you got over to the bed and let me feel your stomach to see if I feel anything unusual' he said. I walked over the bed and raised my shirt over my stomach. He felt my stomach and said that he couldn't feel anything strange so he said that he would do an ultrasound. He placed the gel on my stomach and placed the machine in my eye line. Sharna held my hand and was looking at me the whole time smiling.

'Peta you are 2 months pregnant' the doctors told me. I sat there and cried, cried so hard. Sharna engulfed me in a hug. 'P this is amazing news' Sharna whispered to me. The doctors cleaned the gel off me and left me and Sharna for a moment.

'No way has this happened. What am I going to do? What about this season? What about Maks? What about you Sharna?'

'PETA CHILL OUT!!!' Sharna yelled at me. 'I am so so so freaking happy for you. You will be an amazing mother, and to be honest I will be the best auntie this child has ever seen.'

'Sharna, how are you ok about this after what happened to you?'

'Peta what happened to me is life sadly and yes I am sad that we won't have babies together but I am so happy for you. This was a setback for me, I have a Plan B, I always do. Come on let's go and tell Maks and Val'.

'Ok Sharna, I love you so much, you are the best friend ever' I got up off the bed, the doctor came back in and told me something to sort out with the hospital and congratulated me. Sharna and I left to the car and went to the store and grabbed some food for the day at the studio.

On the way to the studio, we were silent, all these thoughts ran through my head...What am I am going to do? How is Maks going to react? Will Sharna's plan B work? What is Sharna's plan B? I hope she makes this work. God this was so unexpected.

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