"But it's so peaceful out there. I seriously think we should try it."

My eyes assured him that I was serious. he then nodded refusing to argue with me and we finished our meals.

We all placed our money on the table and left for the front door.

"Yea and she totally had her eyes on me!" Omar was laughing to the point of crying.

For whatever reason I felt put out since they denied my request of the forest.

"Yo Felix were all coming back to my place, want to come?"

"Nej, I think I'm going to call it a night."

Oscar nodded, I knew he wanted to tell me all about Renée because I was supposed to meet her tonight.

His eyes filled with disappointment but carried on none the less to the train as I headed home.


I perched calmly on the rooftop overlooking my house. The view was spectacular here, I could see for miles over the span of Stockholm in every direction. Yellow light filling the darkness in attempt to make the night more comforting.

In the midst of all the action it was beautiful, peacful.

I look down at the note within my fingers, I hold a pen and paper trying to think if what to stay to the girl of the forest but my mind becomes blank.

"Felix!" My sister shouted from her room below, she never failed to ruin a perfect moment but by now I was more amused than frustraaited with her.

"Yea?" I responded entering into the house by swinging from the window frame.

"Maroon or blue?" She held up two dresses begging for my opinion.

I thought it was cute how she asked her younger brother his advice on women's clothing. I knew nothing about it but she always needed my approval.

"The Maroon one, it'll bring out the blue in your eyes." I said.

She smiled pleased with my choice, as if she secretly liked that one more herself. She spun herself around and walked into her room to change.

I stood outside her door, I could hear her sing a song of some sort as she changed.

Quickly she opened her door again and sat down in front o her mirror.

"He's going to propose tonight." she says.

"How do you know?"

"Because, he spoke about it to his friend before he realized I was within ear shot."

"Well you look beautiful." I tell her.

Felicia look a lot like me, we share the same round eyes and my fathers wide smile. She wore it well.

"Well, I am on my way then. I'll pick you up something on my way home!" she smiled before leaving the door.

I was home alone, nothing but the tick of the clock to fill the empty sound.

Boredom filled the room the longer I sat there so I stood up and made my way out the door to the forest.

I barely remember what she looks like, but I have to see if she is there again.

I run between the trees with the wind blowing against my back picking up my pace ever so slightly.

Is this weird? following a girl into the forest I mean. Is that considered stalking?

I continued running however, nothing was going to slow me down especially my thoughts.

I eventually found the garage unfortunately silent. But the absence of the girl meant I could explore inside more thoroughly.

My foot rested against the ground as I balanced my way inside.

The place was a dump.

The ground exploded cushions of dust as my foot stepped.

A string hit my face and shocked me but as I collected my wits I noticed it was a lamp I could pull and turn a light on.

My eyes strained from the exposure. But the garage was surprisingly cosy. a plaid couch sat against the wall in the middle of the room along with a cooler of Pepsi and Oreos.

Someone must live here, or at least spend a lot of time here.

I walked over to the other end of the garage where I left my note written on a metal sheet.

To my surprise a new note replaced mine.

"Dear Writer, Jumping isn't impressive. Gravity does what it wills to answer your question. Yes, my toes tingle with satisfaction. Great stress reliever. Do you fly?"

She has attitude! I think to myself, but yet she is polite.

I pull the note out of my pocket and read it one last time to assure myself it's perfect. I know already if I say the wrong thing I may regret it later on.

"Dear Flyer,

Jumping is impressive, you soar through the sky and land with grace. You could consider that a hidden talent." I write, a compliment will have to help her light up.

"Have you ever tried sky diving? or zip lining? I love adventures and it sounds like you do too." I continue to scribble notes.

"I don't fly, in fact I don't like heights too much. May I ask you one question though? Why do you find yourself this far into the forest? What motivates you to come here?"

That should be fine. I think to myself.

I close the paper creasing it down the middle and make my way out the door into the night.


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Dear Writer, - The Fooo Conspiracy (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now