Chapter 2

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I had gotten no sleep that night I woke up the next morning exhausted. I had gone into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water trying to keep myself awake I couldn't afford to fall asleep not now at least, I hazily changed into a blue dress tying my hair back before going into the kitchen where my mother was making us breakfast. I just find it hard to think that my mother is capable of doing these tests on innocent people my mom never seemed like that kind of person at all and it scared me to see her like this she was like a machine when she acted like this. I smiled weakly at her eating breakfast telling her I would walk to school today I rushed out the door and ran to school my heart pounding tomorrow was the aptitude tests tomorrow I would be given a faction choice I belong to. I sat in school worrying about the tests tomorrow thoughts running through my head "What if I get a faction that I don't want?" "What if I'm Divergent?" These kind of thoughts made me shudder if my mom ever found out if I was Divergent she would surely use me as a lab rat my mother could be ruthless and cruel but she could also be kind and loving but she only showed her loving side to me everyone else was scared of her everyone but me was I suppose to be scared of her my own mother. I took my time getting home that afternoon I had a lot to think about and my head hurt just due to all my thoughts I wanted to scream and punch something I didn't know what to do. Just after I enter the home I share with my mother I dropped to my knees my head resting on the cool floor, I then slowly let the tears roll down my cheeks, I was crying I was really crying my head hurt so bad and I was so scared that it caused me to cry. I was still leaning on the floor when my mother came hone she quickly wrapped me in her arms as I sob into her "I'm scared." I whisper softly, she gave me a soft smile kissing the top of my head "Its okay baby no matter what happens I love you." Her words reassure me knowing no matter what my mother would love me she would still be my mom. That night I slept in my mom's room she stayed up late working on some paper work and I couldn't sleep I was tossing and turning, that finally made her come to bed my back was against her chest I could feel her breathing against my slim frame I matched my breaths to her breaths. I soon drifted into slumber all I could dream about that night was my test results and my choice at the choosing ceremony what was I going to do tomorrow.

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