Chapter 1, The Twins

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     You have lived in Yashikai for about four years now. Very interesting things happen every day. For being a small town it is always lively and active, full of friendly people. You had started your first year of high school a month ago. Because of some school change, most of your friends had moved so now you hang out with the twins Yin and Yen. They are some pretty interesting boys that are annoying most of the time, but what can you do about it.

     As you walked up to the school you could hear your name being called. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" {(Y/N) = Your Name}

     "What is it Yen?" You say only to be dragged inside the school.

     "We have to beat Yin to class!" Yen said running through the halls dragging you with his hand tight around your wrist.

     The twins were always like this. Battling to be first in everything. Like just the other day they were bickering about who would get the math homework first. You really can't stand them at times. It seems like you're here to just get pulled along by their madness.

     "I made it here even before the teacher! I have great luck!" Yen cheered letting go of your wrist leaving a red mark where his hand had been.

     "You mean 'we' made it here?" You say rubbing your wrist.

     "Hm? Oh, um... ya, sure."

     Only thinking about himself. Nothing is different there. Yin came charging down the hall running into you making you crash to the floor.

     "Oh! Sorry (Y/N). I was sure that my short cut was going to work but it didn't." Yin pouted.

     "It was all because you are WAY to slow." Yen exaggerated. "You could NEVER beat me in a race." He said as if calling out Yin as a nuisance.

     "I could any day!" Yin hollered back.

     You walk away from the classroom and the twins, leaving them to their fight. You needed to put your bag in your locker anyways so at least you would have an excuse for leaving them.

     ~~~~~     ~~~~~     (Time Skip)     ~~~~~     ~~~~~

     In second period, history class. You could hear the twins, who were right behind you, talking about a new student joining the school. 'Only a month in?'  You pondered the thought. They must have been home schooled or where they used to live school didn't start till later or something. You didn't let your thoughts roam for too long and went back to work.

     As you walked out of the classroom a few minutes later a handsome male with black ruffled hair started walking next to you.

     "So, you go to school (Y/N)?" He asked you.

     'How does he know my name? And why would I not go to school?" You thought looking at him weirdly. After a moment of thinking, you whispered "Perverted scum."

     "How dare you call me a perverted scum!" He blasted. "I am beautifully crafted."

     "PFT, whatever." You said walking faster to your next class to get away from him.

     ~~~~~     ~~~~~     (Time Skip)     ~~~~~     ~~~~~

     When you left your last class before lunch, the twins came running up to you. They seemed to have something on their minds.

     "(Y/N), who was that guy in second hour?" Yen asked, both of them playing close attention to you.

     "I honestly don't know who the guy is. He just came up and started talking to me somehow knowing my name." You say truthfully.

     "That really is weird with how lonely you are." Yin said pushing your buttons.

     "Let's just get lunch before I starve." You say just wanting to forget your strange encounter with the self-confident black haired male.

     "Fine, but I will get the better meal." Yin said bolting down the hall to beat his brother to the 'better meal'.

     You sighed as the twins ran off without you. But now You really were wondering why the pervert had talked to you in the hall. You really were more of an 'on my own' type of person that never got much attention from the rest of the students.

     As You entered the cafeteria the twins were already sitting down at one of the tables with their trays of food. They had totally opposite meals. Not much of a surprise. Even though they were twins they had different tastes.

     "Hurry and go get some food (Y/N). They are close to out." Yen said with a half eaten roll in his hand.

     "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." You say heading off to get some food.

Dere Boys X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें