"You're right." I sniffed and nodded my head then wiped my tears.

Just then I saw Angy's and my parents running towards us. Mom hugged me tightly and cried a little then Monica did the same.

"Where is she? Where's my baby!" Monica sobbed.

"Don't worry the doctors are taking care of her." I assured but she cried.

Dylan's parents came in afterwards and soon the hallway was packed.

We all waited in silence for somebody to come and tell us what is going on.

"Excuse me,are you Ms Morr's family?" the doctor asked.

"Yes! Tell me is my daughter okay?" Monica quickly asked.

"Mrs Morr,your daughter had a severe asthma attack that lead to her fainting twice this caused damaged to her brain. Her current health state is stable but she's in a coma."

Monica's head fell back as she bit her tears while Frank hugged her fighting his own will to cry.

"Oh Lord please save my daughter." the mother prayed and couldn't take it anymore. I turned my back began to cry as Luca held me.

Angy was transferred into another room where we had to wait outside for her to wake up. I called the house to check on Adam. Kathy insured me that he was fine and sleeping. Hours passed by and we were all still waiting for Angy to wake up.

Monica and Frank kept trying to hold it in and not burst into tears,Ivy was sitting on one of the chairs,crying quietly and Ivan was watching his silent older brother who hadn't spoken a single word since we arrived here. Luca kept his arms wrapped around me while I was letting a tear slip every now and then because of thoughts I forced to be pushed away.

"She's going to be okay." he whispered. I nodded my head and inhaled a shaky breath. I hope he's right.

Dylan's POV:

My mind went blank,I don't even know what to think anymore. Angela,my angel,is in a coma with a damaged brain. I promised to protect her,to keep her safe,and yet I had failed to do so. I shook my head trying not to think what is the worst thing that might happen to her,I didn't want to think this way because she's going to make it. Anytime now she's going to wake up.

I can still see those deep blue eyes of hers looking at me so weakly,but if only she knew what this look did to me. I never felt more vulnerable even at my worst I still had some strength but her in my arms pleading for help and gasping for air managed to break all my already broken pieces apart.

Every cell of me is screaming her name,I don't only love her with all my heart but with my mind,thoughts,body,soul,everything,because she is my everything. Memories began flooding in my head like the tears I'm trying to contain. I remember the first time we met,when I first saw the most fragile and delicate person on earth back then I doubt that her devine beauty is found in any human being and was so sure that she is an angel sent from the above. The way she talked,the sound of her laugh,and her bright smile were all so perfect that I was so afraid to talk to her.

When she left I prayed to forget her,I prayed not to see here because she was the only weakness I had back then,I knew that one word from her will bring me to my knees. Hell she knew how to turn me on with only walking and looking at her move from side to side. I knew I was addicted and I knew her love will hurt me so bad that it feels so good,and I wanted that. I wanted to get hurt by her and have her smile heal my wounds,it's like she was all in one. She was my drug but also the antidote,my weakness but also my strength,the person who can set everything wild in me but kept me calm,and the one who lived and went through hell but my angel.

Even her scars seemed to make her beautiful,she wore them in a perfect way like they were jewelry on her body. I am addicted,my body wants her and demands her,she runs through my veins and in my blood,and I just can't stop. I can't get her out of my mind.

I remember when she left for university,that day I felt as if somebody had cut of the oxygen in my life,as if they blocked the sun,and dried the seas and rivers. Suddenly,none of the women I saw was able to satisfy me,they were all pretty and some were smart but they weren't her,they weren't my angel. I couldn't bring myself to touch someone other than her,I didn't want to. I remember that day when I actually cried because I may or may not see her again. The thought of this messed me up so bad that I realized how lost I am without Angela.

The day I met her again as Hunter was one of the happiest days of my life. She was looking just as beautiful even better,all grown up and mature such a fine lady. I remember I forced to control myself around her so I wouldn't get busted,it took all the power in me not to stare at her eyes or watch her body or get enchanted by her voice and words. I pinched myself several times to stop me from grabbing her and kissing the life out of her.

I tried to think of her as the ugliest person,maybe it was her beauty that got me trapped but her purity always managed to shine through,I tried to stop listening to her talk maybe I admire such an intellectual being but even blocking her voice made me melt. Everything I did to try and make me hate her had made me love her even more,the things I did to keep her away had pulled me even closer to her.

Then it was when she found out and agreed on giving us a chance that day was the best. I was walking on air happiness filling my lungs. And when I thought nothing can top it the day we kissed came by,the day I felt her soft lips against mine,if it wasn't for the need of oxygen I would never break the kiss. Her kiss is the best kind because it's the one that keeps you wanting and coming for more.

The day she fell asleep in my arms,the day we went on vacation,the day she said yes,all of these were stuck in my memory and they are for sure irreplaceable.

"Dylan?" a soft voice called. I turned and found Claire's green tired eyes looking at me. I looked down to what she was holding and found a cup of steamy black coffee.

"Thanks." I said in a hoarsed voice. She beside me on of the chairs and sipped her own drink.

"I don't know if she's going to be okay but I know that what's going to happen next is always for the best." she spoke quietly with a broken voice.

"I just hope the best doesn't end up as payment for our happiness." I said staring at her door.

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