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The names Tsunemori Junichi. Age 13, have a Hue of Dark Aqua, and Coefficient being a nice 113.13.

By the time Kougami and Junichi arrived at the PSBs First Division office, Akane and Togane were already interrogating Kitazawa about the bombing. Ever since the airport, these two decided to simply argue through glaring at each other. Even now, as they entered through the office sliding doors, the two simply held an air of cold indifference between themselves; red-bronze clashing coldly with steel-blue.

Sensing the tense air entering the office, Yayoi, Mika, Ginoza, and Hinakawa stopped what they were doing at their individual desks, simply to stare at the scene happening. Shimotsuki then gathered her bearings and asked.

"Kougami, is that--?"

The either-way-indifference man replied, nearly spatting when he said the word 'brat'. "Yeah. . . this brat is Tsunemori Junichi-- Akane's nephew."

Shimotsuki, as obnoxious as she could be, faltered her response with a wide-eyed stare. Everyone introduced themselves, with Ginoza starting.

"Hello, Tsunemori-kun. My name's Ginoza Nobuchika, I'm an Enforcer."

Hmm. a former, experienced Inspector, once strict but now laxed as if freed from something.

Next was Hinakawa Sho. Enforcer for at least a year; shy, quiet, and observant, maybe a type of computer hacker.

Yayoi was next. The two exchanged nods. "Kunizuka Yayoi."

"Hello, Yayoi-san."

Kuu-dere. Definitely a Kuu, but she is hot. Let's see-- a former licensed musician. Maybe a lead in guitar or bass.

Junichis raised an eyebrow at Shimotsuki inquiring for her to introduce herself. "And you are, miss--?"

Yayoi elbowed Shimotsuki softly to get her to sense. Now no longer gapping at the young boy, the semi-rookie introduced herself.

"Oh! Um. . . my name's Shimotsuki Mika, I'm an Inspector."

The young boy tilts his head a bit, too slight for anyone to notice. Junichi allowed his red-bronze  eyes to study Shimotsuki a bit.

My, my. An "innocent" caring only for her coefficient. May be a bit snarky and sarcastic, but possibly gullible to a point.

A thought then passes through his mind, making Junichi laugh a bit. This caused Shimotsuki to wonder if there was something on her face. "Uh, is there something on my face?"

Calming himself down, Junichi replied, slight giggly.

"No, no," Junichi said, straightening himself. "It's just that a thought passed my mind and it seemed funny to me, thats all."

Junichi had a smile that seemed to be a bit mocking. Kougami, already knowing what possibly went through his mind, narrowed his steel-blues at the boy.

"Does that thought of yours have something to do with us being 'little hunting dogs'?"

Everyone else becomes silent as Junichi simply looked up at Kougami and smiled innocently. "I've got no idea what you're talking about. . ." The other, except Ginoza, exhaled. " . . . Mutt."

Then everyone held their breaths once more as Kougami gave a good smack to the back of Junichi's head, the boy simply doubled over wincing. Rubbing his head, Junichi then asked about Akane as if nothing happened. "So? Wheres my Aunt Akane?"

Ginoza chuckled, as he shook his head, answered the adolescent boy. Shes interrogating a bomb culprit at the moment, would you mind waiting for a bit?

From the recent bombing? They got Kitazawa here? Why do I got a bad feeling about this?

Junichi hummed, when he then noticed Kougami frowning over something. The young boy raised a brow at the man next to him. "What's got your panties in a wad, Kougami?"

The practically clad in black man turn his narrowed eyes at the boys once again, with no effect on him, then asked, to no one in particular.

"Is Togane with Akane?"

A different type of silence fell onto the office again. Hinakawa was the one to speak up, albeit nervously.

"Uh-- Kougami-san? Toganes with Big Sis at the interrogation."

A frown fell on Kougami's stone cold face and made a low growling noise. Sensing what Kougami felt about this Togane guy, Junichi then felt like he wasn't gonna like the guy any time soon.

Then all of a sudden, a strange, but familiar itch began to irritate him. Junichi closes his red-bronze eyes as he asked a question that could help him calm down.

"Hey, wheres the gym?"   

A Prideful Wolf Becomes A Disobedient Hunting Dog(ON-HOLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum