How could this happen

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I run through the woods, the trees are just a blur in time. Why does he have to be one of them, I come handle anything else. I'm not only not allowed to love a vampire, but he could easily murder me if I let him get close enough. So I did the only thing possible, run away.

I have always been so easy to fall for someone, one minute I'll have a crush, the next I'm head over heels. They don't even have to say a word or even know I exist, werewolves are known to be hopeless romantics. I wish I could be like every other wolf, fall for a human or an other wolf. It is a cruel thing, love, it's like poison in a cake. You want to eat it but you know it'll end up killing you in the end, and you'll never see it coming.

It happened once, a vampire and werewolf. Your typical love story, love at first sight, took a matter of days to be in love. Proposal, wedding, honeymoon, and then kids. That was their down fall, the children were so powerful. The strength and power combined with the thirst for blood caused our safety to almost be destroyed. They caused everything to go down hill, feuds and massive wars broke out over it. The rule ended up stepping in and killing off the children of the couple and a few hundred supporters as a warning.

Ever since then we have been forbidden to marry, or love One another, strictly our own race. The rule has made us begin to hate one another, and fight each other over anything. I remember one of the wars I took part in, it was the worst thing in my life.


I look her in the eye as she holds my younger sister by the throat, who hasn't developed her spirit yet. The vampire holds her ground, even when my other sisters gather behind me. Looking beyond the vampire I see my parents dry lifeless bodies, the red eyes of her don't scare me. She lets out a hiss and brings my sister to her blood stained mouth. I lurch forward but am kicked away, my back hits a tree but I feel nothing.

"Louis!" My sister screams as the blood ran from her face.

I get up and shake off the pine needles and grass that gathered in my dark chocolate coloured fur. Again I run at her this time she doesn't see it coming, I tackled her to the ground. My sister went flying, I turn back to the hissing vampire beneath me. I took her neck between my jaws and pulled up, blood curdling screams came from the monster until I had ripped her head off her shoulders. Then she disintegrated from under my grasp, her head turned to dust and blew away with the rest of her.

Turning back to see my sisters around our youngest sibling, howling. She was gone, I had failed my parents, they would have done anything to save her. And I was to late to save them as well, my tail tucked between my legs as I wandered over to her lifeless body. Before I could even reach her I was hit hard in the side and landed on the ground. I could feel that I had a broken rib and many cracked ones.

The vampire was not alone, but it was her mate that had came for her and found us instead. He rammed into my other sisters and grasped one by the spine. With a swift motion he rapped his arms around her, a sound I told myself wasn't real came from his deadly grip. Practically splitting her in half, the life faded from her eyes as she turned back to her human form. He dropped her naked body beside my parents, and in a flash her was beside an other one of my sisters. I tried to get up but I could barely breath, blood was filling my lungs.

He took her by the fur of her neck and ripped a large piece off her scrapped up frame. The whimper and yelp is something I'll never forget when he slammed his fist into her skull. Breaking on impact she turned human again and was limp as well. I did the only thing possible, I went over to my last sister and looked her in the eye.

"Don't let me die in vain... That's all I ask, kill him." She said to me, I nodded and turned away from her.

He turned around to us, I held my ground, and so did he. A deep throaty chuckle came from him as he slowly paced in our direction, I growled back. He side stepped my attack, and moved closer to my sister who cowered away from him. Just as I turned to see him kick her off the edge of the cliff, it broke me. I ran to watch her hit the water, I say a cloud of blood replace where she had fallen in the rocky water.

Blood, Fur, Fangs, And LoveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα