Fine. If that's how he wants to play, it's on.

A cough from him grabs my attention again, the slight amusement in his eyes telling me that he's caught me drooling. However, his own eyes make their way down my body, an appreciative smile making its way onto his kissable lips. Get it together girl!

Putting on my own business-like, emotionless expression I stare at him expectantly, waiting for his next words, as I cross my legs, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by him.

"Miss Cutter." He pauses somewhat dramatically, his eyes paralyzing me on the spot. "I've been looking for you, for such a long time now."

My breath hitches.

And here it comes. What I've been wanting to avoid all this time. The bitter reality.

"The deal your company has offered me, is one I couldn't possibly turn down. Your timing couldn't have been better." He states, as a tiny, nearly non-visible smile makes its way onto his face.

Wait what? Deal, timing?? What the hell is he talking about? I though he w-

"We need to finalize the details regarding the number and the type of shops that will be put into your hotels. As soon as this is out of the way, the preparations can officially begin."

So when he said unfinished business, this is what he meant? What kind of game is he playing? Cause I sure as hell will play too.

Not letting my anger get the best of me though, I reply in an almost uninterested tone. "I'm glad you're happy with the deal. Personally, I believe that our main focus should be kept on female consumers, but at the same time we shouldn't alienate the male consumers. All in all, we should include shops that are in high demand."

"I agree." He pauses, somewhat thinking.

"What type of shop would you be interested in Arabella?" He eyes me curiously, all formalities thrown out the window.

His question catches me off guard, my wide eyes probably betraying my cool stance and indicating my shock.

"Umm m-me?" I stutter a little.

"Yes, you." He answers in a challenging tone.

"Well, to be honest I would much rather buy a good book." I answer, my face feeling even warmer than before, if that's actually possible.

"Would you now?" He asks, but more to himself.
"This comes to my next point. We should definitely include a book store."

"That sounds great!" I say genuinely impressed and excited, okay maybe a little too excited, while a sudden thought occurs to me. Thinking back at the faded memories of his condo, that library of his had really impressed me. He must be a book-lover himself, even though to me at least, he doesn't look like the type who would sit down and read a book in his free time.

Getting out of my faze I continue, "Yes we could do that."

We spend another hour going through every shop, looking at their demand and profit and finally we come up with the 15 shops that will make the best combination. In the meantime, we both steal glances at each other, me trying to memorize every single detail of his face, while trying not to imagine his naked torso hugging my own naked frame.

The CEO's Hoodieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें