Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 29)

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She was quiet again as she noticed that Bray was quiet now.

"How about you Bray? I noticed you seemed really freaked out... people are still wondering about Dean Ambrose."

"No one can ever find out what happened. No one will believe me... he was a werewolf, he was dangerous and didn't care about anyone or anything... I figured it out... he was jealous that you're with Luke and he took off in his werewolf form and in a blind jealous rage killed Tyler's mother. Tyler found out too... I'' not just taking care of Tyler because I feel sorry for him, but because I really care for him. He gives my life meaning and purpose... I have something worth fighting for. I just couldn't believer that he would walk out and go with Dean Ambrose... the same guy that killed his mother. I don't know if Dean told him or if Tyler found out on his own, but at some point he found out that Dean killed his mother and realized that he was in danger. If we hadn't of found him when we did, he could of ended up the same as his mother. He's already seen so many horrible things in this world. He doesn't even know his own father... he needs me, and I need him. He is part of this family, it will take some getting used to... I don't know if he likes traveling on the road with WWE, but with all the things he's been through... he needs something to take his mind off of everything that's happened in the last few months. He deserves happiness in his childhood... I just don't know if I can give it to him, but I'm going to do everything that I can to protect him. I don't really consider myself the boy's father, he has a father... I don't think he will ever consider me to be his father, but I always promised myself that I would be a better father than mine ever was... I would never put my hands on Tyler to harm him... I'm not his father, but I can be a father figure and protect him and show him that I care for him."

While Abigail was talking to Bray, Tyler started talking to Luke.

"So Luke... are you and Abigail married?"

"No... not yet... How have things been going with you and Bray?"

"It's really cool... I really like him... I still miss my mom sometimes, and I wonder about my dad, but I like being here... going out there and seeing all the lights, and all the people. It's really cool when he goes out there with the... light thing..."

"The lantern?"

"Yeah... it gets dark, he has the lantern and everyone has their phone lights in the air waving it to the music when we come out."

"Yeah it's cool I guess, but doesn't it get boring after a while?"

"Not for me. It's so cool. I think there are more lights each time. I want to be just like him. He told me that if I was careful, he would let me carry it out next time."

"You must really mean something to him... he's never let anyone carry it out."

Tyler smiled at this. As Bray and Abigail were coming back, she noticed Luke talking to Tyler and smiled. She wasn't sure before if Luke wanted to be a father, but seeing him talk to Tyler gave her hope. Once Luke and Abigail got to their hotel room, they finally had a chance to talk alone. Luke was first to break the silence.

"So... you talked to Bray?"

"I did. He's my brother... he can see when something is bothering me... I haven't really been talking a lot lately. I've had a lot on my mind."

"I know you're hurting, I've been trying to give you the time and space you need."

"Bray told me... when you were grieving over me, you had tried committing suicide... I never knew that."

"Losing you... was really hard for me... Bray helped me. At times I needed to walk away and think. I asked him if I could take his lantern with me. He didn't have a problem with it. I would always take a walk and in case I thought of taking my life, I would look to the light, I would carry the lantern because I knew I would have to return it to him. My spot became our spot, but no matter what... the spot by the river is where I would always think about you."

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