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Alice's POV

Bella has been gone for a week and hasn't returned. Alice has tried looking into her future but she isn't able to see Bella. It scares her at times but she knows that she can't be dead. It might just be the fact that Bella is a Werecat. Alice has looked into research about Bella's kind and has found some stuff over her. But the main thing that Alice found out was that Bella's kind is much like a vampire.

Vampires are strong, fast, and some have an amount of skills or abilities. Yes, they drink blood and they kill humans but that is just looking at them as monsters. Werecat's don't drink blood nor kill humans but they are strong, they are fast, and some are born with certain abilities. Like Bella can shift and not have her clothes rip, it is something that she had inherited from her ancestors that were once in a pack that all were like that. She can shift whenever she wants meaning that she has control over her inner animal which only few can fully gain control of.

Werecat's are amazing, unique creatures from what Carlisle says. He has encountered quite a few in his life time. They are a very rare species, but having a white Werecat is even more rare. There was a story, a legend about white Werecat's and how special they are.


Carlisle's POV(Story)

I have been alive for many, many years now. I used to be part of the Volturi but they had wanted to kill humans for fun so whenever I disagreed they had threw me out and said that I was no vampire. They called me a human lover. In a way they were right, harming a human was not something that I would find fun or play with. My plan was to gain control of my thirst and curve my bloodlust in order to be a doctor like planed.

Heading to a deep, deep part of Alaska I ran into a group of humans. I was very thirty and could not control myself, so you could say I was very surprised whenever they had turned into a huge cat. They didn't attack me though instead one left and brought back a doe. They laid it down in front of me and as soon as the scent of blood reached my senses I was not able to control myself. Draining the doe dry I realized that they had shown me another way.

Seeing as they were once a human I began to speak to them. Telling them of my story and my wish to not harm humans, but to help them. They all sat there and listened, not one made a move to attack me nor run away. Once I was done telling them my story to them they all stood and one cat came out. The others backed away which at first scared me but then they bowed down.

The one that came out was a plain white tiger. There was not a single stripe of black, or any other color on it. It was a plain white tiger. It stopped in front of me before it changed into a human. It was a woman. She had flowing black hair, her eyes a piecing blue. She wore a smile and she did not flinch whenever I stepped forward and examined her. With my thirst now curved there was no burning to drain her, instead it was curiosity that burned inside of me.

She stood there as I circled her, lifting her arms, poking on her sides. Not understand were all the fur went I stepped back. The others stood and watched the interaction that took place, unmoving. Asking her where the fur went she began to laugh and the others stances relaxed as she did so. She motioned me to follow her and she took me to a house. It was rather big and there were kids and families outside. Surrounding this big house was other small one. It looked much like a village. She lead me inside the house and motioned for me to sit.

While sitting down she had left into another room. Whenever she came back she had in her hand a book. She sat down in front of me in a chair and opened the book. She began to tell me her story of what she was, how she became such. She explained it all to me but one question remained. I asked her why the others had bowed down, and why she was the only white one.

She smiled at me, it was a kind smile. "My kind is very unique. You see I am a very rare type, the others bow to me as there queen. In a book that I read at a very young age stated that white tigers were the most rarest creature ever. It showed that they were vicious, but kindhearted creatures. It spoke of a queen named Jezebel, she was a white tiger who was the sweetest most kindest of them all. You see as a white tiger you are given a choose, between good and evil. Most white tigers loose there control and become bad, they become greedy and evil. These's are the reasons in which people fear such creatures, they try to kill all of them. But a few survived during this plague of killing, theses were only the good. They are pure white because no matter what they only are good. Most would want to breed with one, but the cub's would never come out white. Only the purest of them all can rule. I am the ruler at the moment but soon I will be not. You see I am old, my tiger is strong yes, but very old. We are searching for the remaining white tigers so that they may train and become a ruler but the ones we have found are not fit. We need one that is the purest of them all. White tigers are very rare in my kind as a Werecat but they are not extinct. So I ask you to find me one, you seem like you have a very pure soul. You will know whenever you come across the purest of them, and whenever this happens you shall contact me and tell me of them. Would you be willing to do so for me?"

Agreeing with the woman she handed me a much smaller book, one that one had about fifty pages in it. She said that this would help me find them, but she wanted me to follow my dream and become a doctor. That was the last day that I ever seen a white tiger, but that is until Bella came along. She may be the one that she was talking about. Bella is very pure and might be the one who will become ruler. She can shift and not rip her clothes, she is protective, she is kindhearted, she may be the one that this woman was looking for. I do believe that if Bella never returns then I will have to go out looking for her because the fait of all creatures of her kind may lay in her hands.

End of Flashback.

Alice's POV

After hearing Carlisle story I had started to become worried about Bella's safety. With her being as rare as she is, she may be targeted. It has now been a week and three days since she left. Three days ago I had watched the news as they announced a white tiger being spotted. It was close to Alaska. She was headed to Alaska.

I made the decision to buy a plan ticket to Alaska but before I could Edward had stopped me and asked me if I had talked to Carlisle about the pull that I had experienced that day in the clearing. As soon as he realized that I had not, he called Carlisle down the stairs and started talking about it.

"Yes, I have a question about Alice," Edward spoke to Carlisle, "Alice had felt a pull the day that Bella had left and it was towards Bella. What does it mean?"

Carlisle looked at me and whenever I nodded saying it was true he smiled. Edward had a look of happiness on his face too.

"Do you still feel the pull?"

I nodded, "Yes, but it has gotten more stronger theses past few days."

"Yes well that is normal for you to feel such a thing, mainly with Bella not here, nor near."

I looked at him confused so he began to explain.

"The pull your feeling is the mating pull. Vampires have soul mates, Shifters have imprints, and Werecat's have mates. Your soul mate is Bella, meaning you are her mate. Usually a Werecat can't stand to be from their mate but Bella has a cub which tends to dull the pull. She can feel it, but it is not strong, and is not constant like yours whenever your not near her. The lady I meet spoke of this. Once she realizes your her mate, she will become more pure and will come to see that she is meant to take the place as ruler. She does not see it now because from what Jacob told me, she does not know of her family nor where she came from meaning she is returning to the one place with answers."

"Alaska," Edward said smiling.

Carlisle nodded, "Yes. Now I do believe that this would be a good time to visit our cousins the Denali's."

Emmett appeared at the top of the stairs a huge grin on his face, "Family vacation!"

N/A/ So any opinions on this chapter? I'd like to know what you guys think of it. Thanks to whoever is reading this.

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