"Is one of those for me?" Finn motioned to the piles.

Flick shrugged innocently. "Maybe. Still deciding if this is your attempt to kiss up after you screwed up our friendship."

"I keep wanting to apologize again," Finn said as he frowned.

"You don't have to. We're good. I've got to get this done," Flick lied straight through her teeth.

"That's bad," Finn said.

Flick turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"When you're really pissed of, you always find a project, something to keep your hands busy so you don't punch someone in the face. That's what I remember from the Ark and it's what Charlotte told me awhile back," Finn replied.

"I'm not 'keeping busy,' Finn, I'm keeping us alive," Flick said, turning back to her pile of bullets.

"Yeah. You're right. that was a dumb thing to say. See you later," Finn walked out of the tent.

Why are boys so confusing?

"Each group takes someone with a gun, and they're for killing Grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can. Be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark," Flick heard Bellamy shout to the delinquents outside.

We're going hunting? Since when? All I know is I can't stay here anymore.

Flick started to pack her bag. She was almost finished when Bellamy stormed into her tent.

"We need more ammo," Bellamy stated bluntly.

"That's it until Jasper gets back. Now get out of my tent," she snapped at him, trying to push him out.

Bellamy stood his ground and ignored her attempts to push him out. "Where are you going?"

"The hell out of here," Flick said, crossing her arms.

Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows. "No way. You're not leaving," Bellamy said.

"Really? And what makes you think you can tell me what to do? Aren't you a janitor?"

It was a low-blow and even Flick knew it. Bellamy clenched his jaw. "Where are you gonna go?" Bellamy finally asked after moments of silence.

"Into these damn woods. Don't worry about it. I'll find someplace safe," Flick moved to grab her bag, but he stopped her.

"Just wait. Don't be an idiot. You go alone, and you're dead or worse," Bellamy said, looking genuinely concerned.

"So what's your plan, sit here until you run out of bullets?" Flick sarcastically asked him.

"Yeah. Or until you come up with something better. Come on, Flick. You came down here in a pod you rebuilt yourself. You made a bomb out of a tin can. What else you got in that head of yours?" Bellamy smiled softly at her.

Flick thought for a moment before she smiled. "Radios. We can't defend ourselves if we can't communicate. If we can build radios, walkie-talkies- Then we can fight as a team. We'd have a chance, at least."

"See? We need you. You may be a huge pain in the ass, Flick, but you're smart," Bellamy smiled even wider.

Bellamy walked off and Flick went to the drop ship to tell Monty her great, new idea. He smiled when she told him, and they split up to find the parts to make a few talkies.

They met back up a little while later with arms full of supplies. "I found some good antenna wire for the radios. This guy was using it to fix his bed. You find anything else from the Exodus ship wreckage?" Flick said when she entered the drop ship to find Monty looking at something he found at the crash site.

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