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Hello there, everyone! Well, I suppose it's just you! Hello there, you. Welcome to my

first book. If you aren't familiar with me already, my name is Joey Graceffa. I'm

twenty-four years old, and I make a living posting videos online. (Don't worry,

they're the classy kind =P.) Whether you are a casual viewer or one of my devoted

psychopaths, good to see ya again. Anyway, this is the story of my life so far. I get

that it's kind of odd for someone my age to be writing a memoir, but I feel some

responsibility to help inspire and comfort anyone out there who is facing challenges

similar to those that I went through. There's a saying I like to live by: It's not about

where you start but how you finish. I think it's important to take your experiences

and grow from them rather than become a victim of your circumstances. Nothing

productive comes from that mind-set.

While writing this book, I learned a lot more about myself, and as hard as it was

to relive many moments that I wish could stay buried in my head, in the end it's

therapeutic for me to release this information into the world.

I have kept a giant part of my life hidden for many reasons, and in this book I'm

finally going to let it all hang out while giving you a deeper glimpse into all the crazy

experiences that have gotten me to where I am today. If there is one thing I hope

you and all my other readers can take away from my story, it is to know you're not

alone. As much as you feel that no one in the world knows what you're going

through, chances are you're wrong. (If you're an alien reading this, I'm sorry. No one

here can relate to you.) But for real, I can't tell you how many times I felt so alone

growing up and kept all of my feelings inside. It was not healthy. In no way am I

trying to complain about my life, though. I accept that I had a different upbringing

than most other people have, but it's made me into the man I am today and I

wouldn't change a thing. So without further damn ado, here's everything that's

happened so far "In Real Life."

IN REAL LIFE MY JOURNEY TO A PIXELATED WORLD (LEGIT VERSION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ