I shook my head, smiling. "We both know that you won't have an issue getting on the team. You don't need my help." I pointed to my brother. "Isacc, on the the other hand." I teased. 

"Oh, funny." Isaac sarcastically laughed. 

I stretched my arms high above my head. "Just wait until actual practice. I'm going to make all of you exhausted after stretches and working out."

"-- wait a second...Uh, please explain to me why Chloe is on the field?" 

Scott's voice broke through our conversation. I craned my neck around, smiling when I saw Scott and Stiles were nearly to the field. From the looks of it, Scott was the one to spot me first. They were too far away to strike up a conversation, but I could see the confused expression on Scott's face. Stiles seemed to be still grumbling about the freshman in the goal.

"What?" Stiles snapped his head around in every direction, until his gaze fell upon me.

They hastily trekked over to our little group, both pair of eyes glued on me. I knew they would be surprised to see me on the field this early, but, now, I had a real reason to be here. They would be shocked to hear of my new job. I was looking forward to being in charge of them. I wondered how many laps I could make them run just for the hell of it. 

Stiles scratched the back of his neck once they approached us. "Uh, Chloe, what-- Are you trying out?" 

"No, definitely not." I chuckled. I smiled at my brother, pleased with my new role for the lacrosse team. Perhaps, I was a little too excited for this. "Coach has made me in charge of all of you," I grinned at Scott. "Including the captain."

"I might not be captain now." Scott mumbled. 

Stiles sliced his hand through the air. "Whoa, wait- What do you mean in charge of us?" His face scrunched together as he tried to take everything in. "Why would you be in charge?"

"Coach wants me to go through the exercises and stretches before every practice with you guys. I get to be in charge of all of you and I get extra credit for it. Why would I turn that down?" I laughed. 

I stepped back inside of the boy's locker room from changing in the girl's. Coach said I could train the guys, but I had to change in the girl's locker room. I understood the reasoning for it, I just hated having to walk back and forth. 

"Hey,  Liam. You want to explain what that was out there?" 

I tilted my head back for a few seconds, instantly understanding what my friends were up to. All throughout tryouts, Scott and Stiles talked about the new freshman that dominated the field. The kid was insanely talented at lacrosse. It was, like, the sport was a second language for him and he spoke every word perfectly.

I rounded the corner until I stopped to stand between Scott and Stiles. The two cornered Liam by his locker. These two couldn't be trusted. 

Liam glanced between the two before he looked at me. "What do you mean?" 

"That little display. Your little circus act." Stiles clarified. 

They believed that Liam was some sort of the supernatural because of how well he played on the field. Honestly, that was the dumbest thing I heard. This kid could just be that good. 

"What circus act?" Liam gave them odd looks. 

"You caught every shot." Stiles pointed out. He waved his hands in the air as if he was waiting for Liam to explain everything.

Give Me Courage (Give Me Series #4)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя