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I notice Michael’s hands are a little fidgety as we park the car in the driveway of my house. He runs a shaky hand through his blonde hair and I place my hand over his, stopping his shaking and he looks up at me, his green eyes looking a little dull.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask softly and he nods, smiling.

“Yeah I’m fine, just a little nervous that’s all.” He admits and I mentally aw, before rubbing circles with my thumb on his hand, trying to soothe him a little.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about, my mum already loves you.” I say.

“It’s not your mum I’m worried about Cass.” He replies and I nod, understanding. He was scared of my dad.

“Mikey you don’t have to be nervous, just be yourself.” I say and he laughs nervously.

“But what if being myself isn’t enough…” He trails and I shake my head quickly.

“It’s enough for me therefore it will be enough for him.” I retort and he beams a smile, showing off his pearly whites. We get out of the car, and I re-intertwine our fingers together, a small spark soaring through me.


“So Michael, what do you do for work?” My dad says, eyeing him carefully causing Michael to tug on the collar of his shirt, airing himself a little. I kick my dad under the table making him jolt up and I mouth ‘be nice ‘in which he replied with a roll of his eyes, oh how mature.

“ I, uh, well I’m in a band.” He answers, stumbling on his words so I squeeze his hand making him smile at me.

“A band? That’s it? You don’t have a side job, because being in a band is more a hobby, that’s not going to pay the bills.” My dad retorts, a mocking tone evident in his voice.

“Michael’s band is famous.” I defend, looking over at my mum and her eyes are glued to the roast pork on her plate, never once looking up.

“Michael’s band? Is he the front man?” He quizzes and I turn to Michael but he shakes his head, making me sigh.

“ It doesn’t matter whether he’s the front man or not! He’s doing what he loves, for god sake, money isn’t everything in life!” I say, my voice rising, my blood was boiling, I didn’t understand why my dad was being like this all of a sudden. I watch as his mouth drops open in shock, and my mum pries her eyes off of her plate for the first time, both their eyes focussed on me. Michael places his hand on my back, I didn’t even realise that I had stood up. I look over at him and he smiles lightly, trying to cheer me up but that’s not what I wanted, I was already upset. I dust some imaginary lint with my hands off my dress before excusing myself from the table, leaving Michael alone at the table.

I sigh as I sit on my bed before stuffing my face in my pillow. It had only been a few minutes before I could feel another presence in the room, I groan.

“Mum leave me alone, I don’t want to talk about it.” I grumble and I hear them chuckle, that special deep chuckle that makes my heart melt. I look up, my eyes blue eyes lighting up a little as I see him sitting at the edge of my bed awkwardly.

“That was really weird; I’ve never been mistaken for a woman before.” He admits and I laugh, moving towards him before I wrap my arms around his neck, my face burying in the crook of his neck. His neck smelt nice, as strange as that sounded, it was comforting, he was comforting. There was something about him that made me adore him, and that really scared me. I shouldn’t be so close to someone who I don’t know that much about, I shouldn’t care this much, yet I do.

“I’m sorry.” I mumble, sighing.

“It’s okay, I’ve been known as worse.” He replies and I can hear the smile in his naturally husky voice. I shake my head a little, my now, blonde hair falling over my face.

“No that’s not what I mean, I’m sorry that this dinner turned out to be a disaster. I’m sorry my dad had a go at you, I’m sorry. I’m just sorry – “ I speak, my voice cracking at the end as the tears well up in my eyes.

“Shhh Cass it’s okay seriously. Your dad is just being protective because he cares about you, I know I’d be like that with our daughter too.” 

michael is so cute in this i can't


and cass is in the external link btw

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