Chapter 2

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Lacia's POV



I could hear my alarm clock started to make noises that disturb my beauty sleep. I reached out my hand and turned it off. I quickly held my head. I feel dizzy today. I quickly stood up and went to take a bath and dress up. I put my hand to my forehead, I could feel it's hot. But I have work to do, I don't want Awashima-san to scold me again. I didn't put my hair into a ponytail because I was too dizzy. I quickly went out from my room and went to the dining hall. It feels so hot today, wait or maybe cold. Either way, I could tell that I'm sick.

I took 1 bread and I sat down on the nearest seat I could find. Hidaka came and sat down beside me.

"Yo! Woah, did you change your hairstyle?'' He smiled at me, I smile back using everything I could.

"Yeah, I feel I need something new to brighten my day.''

"Waah, it's good. Maybe I should change my hairstyle too.'' He touched his hair and he looked at me. "Hey hey, what kind of a hairstyle that would suit me.''

"What are you doing?'' Fushimi put down his food and sat in front of me.

"Ah, Fushimi-san, I was talking that she looks beautiful with that hairstyle.''

Fushimi looked at me, examined me for a while. "Tch.'' He clicked his tongue. "C'mon Fushimi-san, you should admit it.'' Hidaka playfully elbowed him.

"Shut up.'' Fushimi said to his with a monotone voice and a glare. Time passed by, I don't feel like eating. I don't feel too good. "Aren't you going to eat?'' Fushimi asked, even though he's not looking at me and busy with himself.

"No. I guess I'm going to throw this away.'' I stood up. When I was walking to the garbage, I met Awashima-san.

"Where are you going?'' She asked.

"I'm going to throw this away.'' I answered.

"You only ate one bite. You should eat more.''

"I don't have the appetite.'' I feel like everything goes blurry. I can't even see Awashima-san nor can I hear her.

"Are you sick?''

I gave her a smile. "No, why would you think of that? If I were sick, I wouldn't be in here.''

"You look pale.'' She walked closer to me and she placed her hand on my forehead. That made me blush a bit. "You should go to bed.'' I shook my head. "No, I need to work.''

"No, bed. Now.'' She demanded. I sighed. "Fine.. but.'' I shove her my meal that I didn't eat. "Please throw this away.'' I ran away from her before she could scold me until I bumped into Fushimi.

"Watch where you're going.''

I looked at him. "Sorry Saru-kun.'' I panted a bit because I was tired due to running from Awashima. At this time, my vision is not just blurry but it's getting dark. I couldn't see anything and I fell. I could feel a strong arm supporting my waist. I saw Fushimi muttering something but I couldn't hear it and I closed my eyes.


I woke up on my bed. I haven't changed my clothes. Fushimi must have carried me to here. I took of my blue jacket, I folded it and put it to my closet. I went back to my, almost drifting to my dreamland until a knock woke me up.

"Come in.'' I said while still in bed. I heard footsteps and I saw a guy with dark blue hair and bangs that nearly covered his glasses. It must be Captain. Wait, it is Captain hahaha. HOLY WHAT? I stared at him with wide eyes and a blush. "What are you doing in here?''

"I just want to check how you're doing.'' He smiled at me and put his hand on my forehead. "Seems like you have a high fever.'' I pushed his hand away. "I'll be fine. I need to work.'' I was about to get up but Munakata stopped me.

"You need to rest. Don't worry Fushimi-kun is handling your work.''


Fushimi sneezed. "Fuck this.'' He said as he flip the other paper.

-back to Lacia-

I feel so sorry for Fushimi. I saw the Captain came back with a bowl and a spoon. "Please sit down.'' He ordered and I did it. "I'm going to feed you.'' He gave me a smile that can make any woman melt but what I feel is I want to die because of the embarrassment.

"But Captain I have hands.'' I tried to give reason so he doesn't need to feed me.

"I can see that but I don't want you to waste anything on something like this.'' He smiled and put the spoon that has porridge on it near to my lips. "Say ah.'' I opened my mouth and let him fed me. Of course I blushed when he fed me. My crush, the one that I like is feeding me for God's sake. I love my fever now.

He gave me a medicine and I drank it. "I hope you'll get well soon. Tomorrow, you have a day off.'' I nodded and he pat my head. "Go back to sleep.'' He whispered. After that he went out. I pinched my right cheek, making sure that I'm not dreaming and it hurts which means I'm not dreaming. I just remembered I haven't said thank you to the Captain. I quickly got up from my bed, comb my hair and when my hand reached the doorknob I heard Captain's voice.

"What do you mean, Fushimi?'' Captain asked.

"What are you doing in there?''

Don't tell me that Fushimi is jealous because Captain is taking care of me. Don't tell me that Fushimi has feelings for Captain. OH MY GOD, MY SHIP SAILS. Wait, I should stop, I read too many yaoi doujin.

"I'm taking care of her. Is it wrong to take care my subordinate?''

"You do realize she has feelings for you.''

"Of course but why are you so angry about it, Fushimi-kun?''

"I.. I don't know.''

Then I heard footsteps getting far away until Fushimi's voice made it stop. "What is she to you? Do you have feelings for her?''

"She's just a subordinate. Don't be foolish, Fushimi-kun. A subordinate and a captain can't have feelings for each others.''

That shattered my heart. I fell on my knees, tears started to fall until Fushimi opened the door. He looked at me. "Did you hear it?'' I nodded. He hug me. "I'm sorry.'' I put my head on his chest and cried until I fell asleep.

Fushimi's POV
I felt my chest was getting wet because of her tears. I picked her up and put her on bed. I put blanket on her. I felt my heart beat fast. What is wrong with my heart? I kissed her forehead. "Get well soon.'' I went out from her room and closed the door. I wonder, why did I do that? Do I have feelings for her?

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