What did you think of our classes?

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Disclaimer: Do I look like JKR? Then I don't own Harry Potter.

I also wanted to let everyone know a few things to expect from this story:

1- This isn't going to be full of angst. I suck at doing angst and action so I'll have to work around that to do this story. I am not just retyping JK Rowling's work because honestly I wouldn't be able to do her justice. I do this for amusement not work, so I write what pleases me.

2- This isn't just my view on how Harry would change but all of them around Harry. Sirius didn't go to Azkaban. Remus didn't spend most of his life alone and jobless. He also had a steady supply of Wolfsbane. Dumbledore may have been lonely most of his life but Harry wormed his way into his heart more closely and early than in Canon. I think this changes a lot of their attitudes from Canon.

3-My best is witty remarks and fluffy so there is going to be a lot of that.

Mainly: If you are looking for an action filled tragedy you can find some good ones on my favorites but not here. If you are looking for a light cute sort of comedy with some small angst you are very welcome and I hope I can be a relief in stressful days.

Chapter 2

What did you think of our classes?

Harry and Ron knew Hogwarts like the back of their hands. They knew the secret passages. They knew the ghosts and the house elves. They knew which steps to avoid and what day what stairway led where. They knew the teachers, or so they thought. Right in their first class they realized that sweet dear Aunt Minnie was strict Professor McGonagall. Harry wasn't naïve, he heard the stories about his Aunt Minnie from the older students but he'd always thought they were exaggerating, today he found out they weren't, and worst, she knew him and Ron like the back of her hand and was looking straight at them during parts of her no fooling around speech.


"Good Morning Quineus. I hadn't had the chance to welcome you back," Sirius said brightly, "Found a way around the curse? Just take a year sabbatical between two years. You're the first to get a second year on the position," he finished clapping Quirrell's shoulder and the Defense teacher gave a visible flinch

"Yes, Q-quite. If y-you'll excuse me-me I have to finish a c-class p-plan," Sirius frowned at Quirrell's retreating back. That was odd. Something really bad must have happened during last year for Quirrell to come back like that. He wasn't that fidgety and scared before. Quite the contrary.

Sirius, of course, just like Snape would have loved the Defense position. But Dumbledore had explained why he wouldn't give it to either. The position had been cursed since Dumbledore refused to hire Voldemort many years ago and no teacher had stayed more than a year. Quirrell was the first to come back after he taught a year and left for another. Dumbledore wanted both Sirius and Snape permanently on the staff. Snape because Dumbledore didn't believe Voldemort was really dead, the curse still persisting was proof enough, and Snape's other services may be needed again. And Sirius because of Harry. Nonetheless Snape applied for the position every year. Sirius didn't bother, he liked his job and he wasn't about to jeopardize the chance of being around Harry all year long because of a teaching position.


Another class where Harry was disappointed was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Harry had been eager to learn from Quirrell because of the stories he had heard from Oliver, Charlie, Cedric, Angelina, Marcus and many others about his classes two years ago, but now he was convinced they had all had a collective dream because this was utterly boring. Defense was one of Harry's favorite subjects. Unlike Ron, Harry had had extra classes with both his dad and Uncle Moony on the subject. They wanted Harry prepared to defend himself in case he needed. They were a little paranoid that way. His father even had his old boss Alastor Moody teaching Harry sometimes, and honestly he gave Harry the creeps.

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