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Luke walked into the main hanger. He needed to find Leia as soon as possible.

"Hey, kid!" Han yelled from the Falcon. "Can you hand me that Nari wrench?"

"Yeah, sure," He picked up the wrench and tossed it to the smuggler. Han caught it one handed.

"Now, if you could just come over here and hold this while I tighten it...."

Luke walked over and held the piece of metal out of the way while Han reached around it to tighten the bolts that held it down.

"Han, do you know where Leia is?"

He grunted. "Last I saw her she was annoyed at me on her way to her council meeting,"

"Damnit! I can't interrupt that!"

"Why not?" Han asked, coming back around and fitting the hunk of metal into its place, closing the latch on the compartment with click.

"Because they're doing important stuff. Anyways, what are you doing?"

"Routine maintenance," was the reply. Han had walked over to the bottom gun.

"Now, this gun has a delay on firing. I need to clean the crap out of the barrel, but to do that the lower gun power director needs to be turned off," he said to himself.

"I can do that,"

"Sure. Go ahead."

Luke ran up the Falcon's service ramp, leading to the power control station.

"Lower gun power director. Lower gun power director. Come on, Han! I can't read the labels!"

Finally, he spotted the switch on the upper left corner of the power box and flipped the switch.

"Power to lower gun has been blocked," said a mechanical voice on the broadcast box.

"HAN! IT'S DOWN!" Luke yelled as he headed back down the ramp.
"THANKS," Han yelled back. He started swabbing out the barrel of the gun with an oily cloth.


Leia opened the door of the council room and walked down the hallway to the main hanger. She was furious at Khol. It seemed that his one goal in life was to make her life difficult. He shot down every single one of her ideas because they weren't using his suicide mission of a plan. They finally started ignoring his meaningless objections. He had stormed out the room in a huff, and the council was finally able to be productive and make decisions. All the details had ended up working in her favour, but she wouldn't let go of the grudge against the jealous Captain. She saw Han and Luke over by the Falcon, looking down the barrel of a powerful gun. Idiots, she thought.

"I hope you have the power off so your faces aren't blown to bits," she said.

"Don't worry, Princess. It is off." Han replied, not looking up.

"Leia!" Luke exclaimed, "I was looking for you,"

"Oh yeah?"

"I finally got Obi-Wan to open up about our parents,"

"Makes sense that you'd be looking for me,"

"Yeah, so, Mom was from Naboo and Dad was from Tatooine..." Luke told the whole story of their parents relationship while Han, Leia, and Chewie listened.

"So you're telling me that the empire is basically your fault?" Han asked, trying to wrap his head around the concept the evil Sith Lord was his girlfriend's dad.

"No, Vader is inadvertently our fault. We didn't actually do anything. Also, Palpatine was already rising to power. He would have found a different apprentice." Leia explained impatiently.

"Exactly. What she said."

Han sighed. "Well, I'm spending my time with the family the messed up the galaxy. Wonderful."

"If I remember correctly," Leia butted in sharply, "The particular members of the family that you are hanging out with are the ones who saved the galaxy,"

"And who don't support what their father did," Luke finished for her.

"Well then, Sweetheart. I'll keep that in mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to update."

DRAFT - Senator Princess General Leia Amidala Skywalker Organa-Soloजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें