Chapter 25

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"This is pointless." I throw my cards on the table and sighed. Tate chuckled and started shuffling the cards once again, "Another round?"

I crossed my arms and sank into the couch, "Why bother? You'll just win again."

"Fine," He started to place the cards away, "What do want to do?"

"Read, eat and sleep," I replied with a grin.

He rolled his eyes, "Other than that."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want to spend time with me?" I asked leaning in a little, "Do you feel pity for me?"

"Why would I  feel pity for you?" he asked and focused his attention towards me. I shrugged, "I don't know.  But explain why you want to spend some time with me." I ordered as I stared into his brown eyes.

"What is it a crime that I want to spend time with  my twin sister?"

I was about to answer when the creepy computer lady announced the arrival of some people and Tate's attention was now focused on the new arrival. A girl with raven hair and bright blue eyes rushed over to Tate and tackled him into a hug. I stayed there for like five seconds before getting up and walking towards the kitchen for some water. I opened the fridge to find piles of food and I gasped a little. I haven't seen this much food since...since...forever. Then something caught my eye, chocolate cake. I was about to reach out to get when someone spoke and I jumped a little.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to scare you." 

I turned around to see Miss Martian.

"You didn't. I totally knew you were there." 

She raised an eyebrow, "So you just jumped because you felt like it?"

I nodded, "Yeah pretty much."

 She didn't look too convinced but decided to drop the subject, "Ok, anyway what are you doing?"

"Oh, I was just... looking."

She glanced at the open fridge, "Do you like chocolate?" She asked and I nodded, "Just a tap." She then took out the cake and placed it on the table as she went to grab a knife. I sat at the other side of the table and watched as Miss Martian cut the beautiful cake and served me a piece. She then cut another piece and handed me a fork. I started at the piece of cake and the looked at Miss Martian who was already getting, "I-is this all over me?" I questioned hesitantly, "Aren't you going to grab some?"

She nodded her head no, "That piece is for you and this is for me," she gestured towards her piece. I slowly nodded taking in the information as I took a bite. 

"Why do you ask?"  She questioned curiously.

"It's just a big piece like this would be divide into three." I whispered and took another bite, "It's just  a different portion of food than I'm used to receiving."

She gave me a confused look, "How much food would you get?"

"Not much." I swallowed the sweet, "I would tend to stay away from it. The stuff is like prison food and most of the time poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Came a voice that wasn't Miss Martian and then out of nowhere a green boy appeared in front of me and I fell out of my seat letting out a scream in the process.

I can't believe I screamed.  I slowly got on my feet to find Miss Martian and Beast Boy giggling. 

" long were you there for?" 

"Not long." He replied as turned into a cat and I let out an aww and I reached out to pet him. At first, I thought he was going to pull away but no he sank into my embrace. I pulled him to my arms and then Nightwing's voice came on the speaker demanding the team's presences at the briefing room. I left my cake where it was and walked with Miss M to the briefing room with beast boy still in my arms. I was scratching his ear as I made conversion with M'gann, once Nightwing started talking I shut my mouth. Through let's be serious, I wasn't paying attention. That is until he mentioned my mother and I whipped my head towards him. 

My first Mission with the sidekick was going to be to take down my loving family.  Great.

Everyone started to head towards the bio-ship but stood where I was. That is until M'gann pulled me with her and off we went. This is sure going to turn out interesting.

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