:Chapter Deux: You Don't Believe Me, Huh?

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Chill. I can do this. Breathe in, breathe out. I slowly got up from my bed and itched my nose. My mother won't really care, she'd be happy for me, going to L.A and all. I'm making my dreams come true, right? 

Sienna; she won't give a damn about me going. She'd probably want to come with, but obviously, I'm not letting that happen. Just an airplane ride with Sienna is hell. I can't imagine living with her. Bleh. Ew. Okay, I don't even want to think about that. 

Penny. Oh my gosh. I can't leave Penny. She's only been my best friend for two years, but, it was a very close two years and I can't imagine a day without her voice. She's directed me to flirting with the right guys and saying no the wrong ones. Guys. Oh my god. Derek. I can't leave Boo-boo bear.

Derek is one of the only boyfriends I ever had that actually treated me like a princess. He was magical. He's the one; I know it. You could never, in your whole life, meet a guy as perfect as Derek. . Derek was the one. He still is. I can't leave him. 

Then there's my dad. He's going to laugh and say no as soon as I mention the thought. He hardly wants me to go out with Derek. He thinks Derek is a horrible role model, just because he rides a motorcycle. He's a valedictorian so I think that's the only reason my dad still hangs onto the final thread with Derek. If he wasn't smart, that thread would be cut so fast, you wouldn't even see the scissors. Hopefully my dad will be understanding. 

It's only for a couple of months, though. How long does it take to film a movie? I'd go back home right after. Penny won't find a new best friend and Derek won't find a new girlfriend. It's just a couple of months.

I finally gained the courage to walk down the flight of black-wood stairs and speak to them. I threw on my pink, satin robe and stuffed my foot into my slippers. It's go time. 

I walked towards the messy living room while my mom and dad were watching CNN on different couches. 

"I think I forgot to tell you something," I announced, cautiously.

"I'm listening," my mother said, grabbing a handful of peanuts from the glass snack bowl on the coffee table.

"What she said," my dad replied, interested in the snow-storm in Iqaluit that's breaking news on CNN rather than me.

"For the job, I have to go to L.A for a couple of months or it's well, not my job anymore." I finally said, biting my lower lip so hard that I could feel the blood rushing.

"So, you're telling me, you just forgot to tell us this?" my dad asked. I hung onto every word he said.

"I--I was just so happy, you know, that you guys said yes, and--" I started.

"No." my mother interrupted.

My lips quivered and I stepped back at the astonishment of my mom's answer. She was my only hope of saying yes. Now it's gone.

"Yeah, I agree with your mother, it's a good opportunity, but we can't let you go out there by yourself, that's crazy," my dad agreed. He pursed his lips and gave me a comforting smile. "Another time, maybe?"

"Yeah, totally, I'll get this offer again. I'd get a scholarship to freaking Harvard. You can't do this to me." I said, feeling tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

I shouldn't cry. I'm being selfish. I just...couldn't hold down my feelings anymore, I guess.

My mother looked like she was thinking hard. She put her fingers to her chin and looked up; she looked like a statue you'd find in an art museum. "I have an idea."

"Marie, she's not going, it's final." My dad said, staring sternly at his wife.

"No--no, I mean...she doesn't have to go there by herself. We could always let Sienna go with her. She finished high school last year and she's not even going to think twice about attempting to go to college," my mother started. "Sienna? Come down here." 

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