The Beginning

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Your POV

Keiko do i really have to wear this prissy girly uniform.

"Yes Y/n just what do you think all the boys will say if they see such a beautiful girl in a boys uniform".

Wow look there's a really normal person.

"Fine,but only because if we don't leave now we'll be late".

Not specifically true Keiko,hop on my back and I'll show you what I mean.

"Fine,but aren't I too heavy you are just a girl".

Oh your so going to regret you ever said that!

"Wait Y/n I change my mind!"

Too Late!

Within 5minutes you were already at school.

"well see yah keiko."You said trying to take off as fast and as far as possible.

"Just where do you think your going".

"Away by love you cous"(cous is short for cousin).

"Y/n!!!You better get back here or...or no dinner "

I'm just getting the man of your dreams to come to school ,so cover for me.


With Yousuke...

What the hell do you mean second chance I'm staying a ghost!I'm going to go find out what Y/n is doing I wonder if she would believe me if I told her I was a ghost,oh yeah I forgot I'm dead...

"Yousuke...Yousuke open ghe damn window I really hate the fact that you have a house with a tree...Baka(idiot) open the window already."

Poor Y/n can't even see me whether I'm in my room or not..

"Uh Yousuke what yhe hell are you floating*rub* my eyes are not playing a trick on me why are you floating?"

Wait!You can see me?!

"Ofcourse it's not like your a ghost or something...wait you can float...your kinda faded...and your acting weird you are a ghost!"

Glad you finally figured it out!

"What happened to you...does your mom know...Does Keiko know...did some really strong thugs kill you cause we all that since I'm alive I could beat them up!"

Was hit by a car,No,No,No,No your not!Could you stop with all the annoying back to back questions!

"Fine...chill I will not tell Keiko,but only if your good for nothing ass can find some way to get resurrected or rebirthed or something like that deal?"

*sigh*Fine,now go away before I put you in a ghost choker hold

"Fine...but hey just because your a ghost doesn't mean that you could spy on innocent woman pervert".

Wha...Y/n!...where did you go

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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