"You'll be a great witch" : Harry Potter

Start from the beginning

"I- What do you mean by that?" I asked, I can see why Hermione punched him.

"You know nothing of magic, so why are you here? You don't even know who Harry Potter really is" He spat. When I didn't say anything, he shouted, "Your a filthy mudblood!"

I kept my eyes on him as I walked past, dropping the sheet at his feet, I wasn't going to show him I was upset. He wasn't worth it. I walked down the corridor, I think I might go and talk to Myrtle, she was nice. A ghost but we seemed to get along okay. Everybody else calls her moaning Myrtle. I think it has something to do with how she died, I think she's pretty sensitive about it. But I would be too, if I were a ghost and people always asked me how I died. That's pretty rude of them.

I wiped a tear that had escaped when I bumped into someone. I didn't stop to say sorry I just carried on to the toilets. "Y/n! Wait!" I stopped as Harry shouted. He caught up to me and I managed to stop the urge to cry. "Where are you going?" He asked, trying to look me in the eye.

"Oh I was going to see Myrtle, she's muggle-born too... like me" I said. "I think she gets lonely, not many people like her"

"Yes, I've met her..." Harry trailed off. "She fancied me I think"

I let out a laugh, "really? I'll have to ask her about that... I'll see you later" I said, trying to get away.

He moved in front of me and said "I know there's something up. I know it's Malfoy"

"It's nothing, I should of seen it coming really... being a mudblood and all" I sighed, walking to the window and sitting down. "He just called me a filthy mudblood that's all, it's just a new word I've been called you know?" I looked to Harry, who was still standing up, he nodded. "I was in a room, full of furniture-"

"The room of requirement" Harry said, "was it there when you walked past it?"

"No but when I looked back at the wall and it was there" I said. Harry smiled, I smiled back as he sat down at the end of my feet. "It's stupid of me to cry but it was weird being called that, you know? I've been called all sorts at muggle school, this is all new to me"

"I get it, really. But you have me to keep you safe." He said placing his hand on my leg, at the bottom near my ankle. He then added, "You have Ron and Hermione, she's an amazing witch and you will be too. I know you will"

"Thank you, Harry" I blushed. Looking out the window, "I'm sorry about earlier..."

"It's fine, I was going to explain. Your the first one that doesn't know the story" Harry said.

Harry explained everything and now I'm lying in bed thinking about it, he had been through a lot and it still wasn't over, we were in the middle of a war and I didn't even know. I opened my eyes. I couldn't sleep and I was just forcing my eyes shut now. I had tossed and turned for about an hour now. I say straight up in bed and looked over to Hermione, she was fast asleep. And so was everyone else.

I moved the covers and groaned as I pulled my slipper socks on, there was no point in staying here if I couldn't sleep. I opened the door and made my way down the stairs to the common room. The fire was on and I could see a shadow, I walked round and seen Harry, "can't sleep?" I asked, sitting on the floor next to him.

"Nope" he replied, moving closer to me so we were touching.

"Me too"

"Well you have a lot to take in" Harry laughed a little. I seen him look at me out the corner of my eye.

"I didn't know I was entering a war" I sighed, but it wasn't with disappointment, "that's something Dumbledore left out" I laughed, again trying to lighten the mood. He laughed, "I'm going to ask Hermione to tutor me"

"I can help you too, I don't mind" Harry said enthusiastically.


"Yeah, I've taught people before, to you know... use spells" Harry said awkwardly.

"That would be great, thank you Harry" I smiled over at him and then looked back at the fire.

"You'll be a great witch and that'll show Malfoy" Harry nudged me and I laughed. Hopefully I would be, to help win the war.

"I love watching the fire, we never have ours on at home..." I trailed off when I thought of Harry's childhood. His was so much worse than mine.

"Me too, it's comforting" Harry said, I turned to him and smiled. Then placed my head on his shoulder, lacing my arm in his and intertwining our hands together as he leaned his head on mine after he placed a kiss on my head.

"We'll win this war" I said, meaning every word.

"I hope so" Harry sighed. I didn't say anything as I heard his breathing even out and I was starting to fall asleep.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all liked the first imagine

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