Chapter 10

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Harry POV

After my engagement was done I decide to go talk to my dad and grandmother about getting Annie some protection from the media. I didn't want to have to go through something like that again, getting that call made me feel sick to my stomach. It felt like what happen to my mom all over again. I walk to my grandmother office and try to decide on what to say to her.

When I finally got to the door, I took a deep breath and opened the doors and I saw my grandmother and father sitting in the chairs, "Oh there you are Harry please come in." granny says

"Hello Harry, how is Annie doing?"

"she is doing ok, she was having a hard time with leaving today." i tell them

"Poor girl." my granny says

"yeah, that is what I wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if she could have a protection officer with her when she goes out. I don't want that to happen to her again." i tell them

"Hmmm well i can see where that could be useful, I guess we could give her one protection officer." my grandmother says

"Yes, I think it will be good. We don't want this happening again." my father says

I got up and hugged both of them and said thank you. I stayed a little longer and discussed which protection officer we were going to give her. We decided on one and I went off to go call Annie and tell her.

I stepped out of the room and walked down the hall, and looked up Annie number, when I found it I pressed call and waited for her to answer. It didn't take long for her to answer the phone, "Hey Harry what's up?" I hear on the other end

"Hey Annie, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" I ask her

"No, you are not we just finished lunch and we are going out to go to the famer market. And I am glad you called, do you want to come over foe dinner tonight?" she tells me

"Well miss Annie I would love to come over to dinner. And I called to tell you some good news." I tell her

"well what is the good news?"

"I talked to my father and grandmother, and they said that you can get a protection officer. So that way the same thing won't happen again to you." I tell her

"Oh that is great Harry, thank you for doing that." She tells me

"Well I wanted to keep you safe. So what can i bring to dinner?" I ask

"Ummm nothing we got it covered." She tells me. We talk for a little while longer before she had to go. We said good bye and I told her I would see her tonight.

I decided to put work on some work before I went to Annie house, and before I knew it, it was time to go. I got to her house and said hello to her and her mom and dad. I helped set up the table and we all sat down to eat. After dinner Annie and her mom got up to get some dessert, leaving just her dad and me.
"So umm how are you liking London?" I ask

"First off call me Scott and we like it so far. Listen Harry I need to ask you a favor?" He tell me

"Sure what is it?"

"Well Annie birth parents anniversary is going to be on Sunday, and as you know her mom and I are going to be leaving that day. And well i was wondering if you could  check in on her. It has always been a hard day for her." He ask

"Of course I will ." I tell him
Before he could respond Annie and her mom came back in. We sat and had a wonderful dessert. For the rest of the night we all sat and talked. I was able to get to know Annie parents well, and they got to know me better. A few hours later I decided that it was time for me to go. We all said good bye and I told Annie parents that I would see her on Sunday for the anniversary. I want to be there for Annie for what will be a hard day.
Skip to Sunday ***********
Annie POV
My alarm went off and I rolled over to turn it off, and I truly don't want to get up. I would like to stay in bed all day and not have to take my parents to the airport and I don't want to think about the other thing that happened today. Today is the 19th anniversary of my parents death, I knew it was coming but I didn't want to think about it.

I was taken away from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say

"Hey how are you honey?" My dad asks as he peeks around the door

"I'm ok right now." I tell him

"Well why don't you come downstairs mom has made some breakfast."

"Ok sounds good." Once he left I get up and go downstairs

We all sat and had some breakfast, we talked about their trip. We also talked about some other ransom things. I also decided that I would come back home for my grandparents anniversary. After breakfast, my parents went up to finish packing. After they were done packing, it was time for them to leave to go to the airport. The drive to the airport was quiet, I didn't want them to leave and they didn't want leave either. I finally pulled up the their stop and my mom got out and waited, while I helped my dad take their suit cases out.

"Well honey, we have to get going. " my mom says

"We had a great time, and we would had loved to have stayed longer." my dad says

"I am going to miss you guys too." I tell them

I kissed and hugged them both good bye, my mom started to cry a little bit as they walked away. I watched them walk away and once they were out of sight, I got back in my car. I drove back home and decided to look at some old pictures of my mom and dad, as I was looking at them I started to get emotional. I felt like I was going to cry then someone was knocking on my door. I opened the door to find Harry standing there, his PO came in and looked around once it was ok Harry came in. He came over to me and just gave me a big hug, after a second I started to cry. All of my emotions came out, and Harry held me and rubbed my back. Telling me to let it all out. I found myself yet again felling lucky to have Harry.


Thank you all for your patience, I know it was a long time. Now that I am on break I will have more time to write. I have some good thing planned for Annie and Harry!! Please comment and tell me what you think.

Annie and harryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें