Chapter 1

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January 1965
Napoleon's Pov
"Illya," I said approaching our table. Illya, Gaby, and I were staying in London for a little while until our flight to Waterford, Ireland. A man named Joseph Parker had been killed there last week and we were commanded to solve who did it. Three men were on the scene of the crime but nobody has the guts to say who shot him. The only other person at the crime was the man's daughter, Shannon Parker, who was outside at the time. She states she heard the gunshot and when she went back inside to check it out she find her father dead and all of the men had vanished. An interesting mystery. Today we were in the town at the cafe. "This coffee is amazing."
"It smells good," Illya said with his strong Russian accent, "but I would prefer some tea."
"We'll get it yourself," I said.
Illya nodded.
I sat down next to him and Gaby.
"How long until our flight?" I asked.
"Thirty minutes," Gaby replied, "I suggest we start heading to the airport now."
We got our luggage and caught a taxi. We arrived at the airport and boarded our flight. After the flight we arrived in the city of Waterford, Ireland. There was a taxi waiting for us. We got in it and it drove us to a home. The home we arrived at was a big home. It was obvious the guy who owned it was rich. Scattered outside and probably inside the house were policemen, detectives, etc.

We stepped out of the taxi and walked towards the house. A man approached us.
"Ah," he said, "we've been awaiting you...I'm Lucas Potter...I will be directing you around and such. All you need to do right now is find some evidence and you are going to investigate Parker's daughter, Shannon Parker."

"Now come," Lucas said, "I will take you all to meet her."

We nodded and followed Lucas into the homes. We walked a couple of halls and went up a couple of flights of stairs. We came upon a door and Lucas opened it. Inside it was a table and two chairs. On the walls were a couple of paintings and a lamp lit up the room. It gave a depressing vibe. Sitting in a chair at the table was a girl. She had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a black blouse with black pants and black heels.
"This is Shannon Parker," Lucas said.
"Hello," Illya said.
"Hello," Gaby said.
"Hello," I said.
The girl did not answer.
"Alright," Lucas said, "I want one of you to stay and ask her some questions and the rest of you will go around the house and investigate things...Mr. Solo, would you like to stay and ask her questions?"
"Uh," I replied, "sure, sir."
"Good," Lucas said patting me on the back.
Lucas and Gaby exited the room. Illya grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.
"Do not do anything," he mumbled viscously in my ear, "don't even flirt."
"Hey, hey," I said, "me? Flirting? You're a funny man, Illya. But, I wasn't planning on trying anything, she just lost her father. What kind of man would I be to do that? Besides, she's not my type."
"Hmm," Illya said, "sure."
He turned around and walked out the room closing the door behind him.
I looked over at Shannon. She was staring down at the table tracing her fingernail in a circle. I walked towards the table and found a chair beside her. I sat down in it and looked at her.
"Hello," I said, "I'm Napoleon Solo."
I held out my hand. I waited for a couple of seconds but she never shook it. I lowered my hand and placed it in my lap.
"I'm guessing you're Shannon Parker," I said, "that's uh...a Look, I'm very sorry about your father but you're going to have to answer some questions...I'll make it easy for you...they'll be yes or no questions. You can either nod your head or shake it."

"Have these men been threatening your father before the incident?" I asked her.
She shrugged her shoulders.
"From all of the evidence I have it says that your father has owed money to the bank...Ireland has been about to have a stock market crash and these guys were basically going around stealing money. Is that right?"
She nodded her head yes.
"Well the only way we're gonna find out who kill your father is if we get some names of the men that were in the room," I said, "do you know their names?"
She nodded her head yes.
"Could you please tell me their names?" I asked.
She turned around and bent over. She sat back up straight and turned back around. She had a piece of paper in her hand and she handed it to me.
"It's the name of the men," she said quietly, "and their backgrounds."
"Your accent is British," I said, "how?"
"M-my mother lives in London," she replied, "I spend a lot of time there. And I am adopted but somehow my parents still got a divorce. I pick up most of my accent from there. But people tell me I have a hint of Irish in my voice."
"You do," I said, "I like it...Have you met your real mother?"
She shook her head.
"So..." I said, "these are the men. Three men, Kyle Richards, Willard Richards, Draco Richards...I'm guessing their related."
"Triplets," Shannon said softly.
I nodded looking over the paper.
"They've all worked at the bank since they were eighteen and have made a lot of money together and haven't committed any crimes, well, until now I guess. So one of the three of them is the killer, I wonder how we'll figure this out. Who do you suspect did it? Whoever you say we won't arrest, but I just want to know."
"I feel all of them are guilty of something," she said, "but only one killed my father directly. The one I think did it was...Willard," she replied.
"Why him?" I asked.
"He's had a suspicious past," she replied, "and he's very...fond of me. He's tried to make moves on me and it's scared me sometimes...maybe he was mad at my father for the money and me...I don't know."
"Has Willard ever...ya know," I asked.
"Almost," she said, "but he stopped and left."
"When was this?" I asked.
"The day before my father's death," she replied. "Where are they? Are they all in jail?"
"Yes," I replied, "all three of them were found last night is what I've heard...they were arrested and are being investigated right now. But none of them are saying anything so this might be a hard case."
She nodded.
"But you are safe for now," I said, "nothing should happen to you."
"I hope not," she said.
"Is there anything else you have to say that you think will be helpful to this case?" I asked.
"I don't know anything else," she replied, "I'm sorry."
"It's alright," I said standing up, "I'm going to report everything you said...see if they can do anything with it."
She nodded.
I walked towards the door. I placed my hand on the door knob and twisted it. It opened.
"Good day Shannon," I said, "hopefully we will meet again."

The Man From U.N.C.L.E: Foul PlayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora