:::: Prologue 00 ::::

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Miss Peregrine's Perspective: 

Lena Archer was one of my first children to have stayed with me. I found her in Canada, walking in the woods with her parents and younger brother and I started watching over closely after that. She has a very close relationship with her brother, opposed to her father and mother.

 I had an odd feeling about her as I watched her from afar. There was something I didn't see that I overlooked, I could feel it. I always saw that she had a very caring heart and a brave soul. She is a very peculiar child, more peculiar than most. The siblings don't have the nicest of parents. They found her peculiar and freakish. The parents would punish her for the smallest of things. 

They loved the little boy more than the girl. The boy looks to prefer the girl over the parents, though. The parents keep the boy away from the girl. But when they leave. They are the cutest thing together. It breaks my heart every time I saw them do that. When it finally clicked. It is hard to tell but once you notice too, it makes you think differently about her. The girl's eyes were open wide but never looking in the right direction. When the boy would talk to her, her eyes would still be lined straight ahead. 

She's blind. 

I decided one day to talk to her and her brother. I approached them in their yard one day." Hello. How can I help you?" She held her brother close to her." Hello. Miss Peregrine it is nice to meet you." Her eyes widen a bit. "Hello, Miss. Lena Archer. And this is my 3-year-old brother, Josh Archer." She smiles down at him and him up at her. They just bring a smile to my face. He extends his hand to me." It is nice to meet you miss." I shake his hand." Lena, I have watched you and your brother for a while, and I just have a few questions to ask you, If it is alright with you?" She smiles at me. " Of course, come inside. It is getting cold with winter on its way, I will put the kettle on for tea."

 They turn to lead me to the house and I can't help but notice that Lena is doing fine all on her own. Usually, to my knowledge, blind people need help not bumping into things. We walk into the kitchen and I sit at the table across the young boy while Lena put the kettle on the fireplace. The little boy starts playing with a toy train on the table. She sits beside her brother across from me. 

"Ask any question you have in mind. We will answer them to the best of our ability's. Sorry if some of the questions were for our parents. They are currently in the market." I smile. "I have many questions for you and your brother. And it is ok that your parents aren't here yet." She gets up to grab mugs. " ok. Ask away while I grab mugs." I nod. " First off, Lena.., are you blind?" The mug in her hand's breaks and her head snaps in my direction. She stutters. "why would you ask that?" Her hands are shaking. 

 "I couldn't tell at first when I saw you playing with your brother, but then I saw little signs that told me. You always look ahead and when your brother talks to you, you don't look him in the eye. At times, your brother would hold your hand or your elbow and lead you somewhere. Am I right?" She looks at her feet, tears brim her eyes. Her brother jumps up, runs and hugs her." It is ok Josh. You can go and sit back down. I will be there in a second." He reluctantly sat back down. 

Lena grabbed another mug and put the two on the table and sat with her brother. She looks at her hands." Lena, I would like to help you. Please tell me about you." She blinks and a tear fall off her cheek. " I wasn't always like this you know. Blind I mean. I remember how green the grass is, how blue the sky's, the faces of people. When I was younger, my dream was to see the world. See it for its beauty and its destruction. Water and land. Desert and forest. I loved animals. I wanted to study them as I traveled the world. But that all came to an end. How can a girl, let alone a Blind girl, travel the world,to see its wonders when she can't even see anything but darkness and her mind? Please tell me Miss Peregrine, Caretaker of Peculiar Children, because the answer hasn't come to light." 

I freeze at the way she said my name. As she spoke, her head came up, and now is staring straight at me." How do you know who I am?" Young Josh answered for her." She is special. She has a superpower. She could be a hero and put on a costume and save the world with her power. I call people like that Superheros. And Lena is one. She is the prettiest of them." He smiles up at her. She smiles as another tear falls off her cheek and hugs him." and what superpower is that?" Young Josh grins at his sister as she blushes.

 " It is really cool!  Even though she can no longer see, is can get flashes of the future. It is cool like, she can tell when our parents will be home or if later in the day it will rain and such." As he was explaining, his hands moving in the air, his eyes wide. I smile at him. He is a cute little boy." Lena, you got into the house fine, without any help from your brother. How is that?" She blushes.

 "Well, we used to live more north in Canada and before we moved here, we had neighbors that knew of my, um, disadvantage, and helped a bit with that. I recognize people by their heart beats, I have better hearing than most people and can feel presences. And I did go to school before, it happened, so I am smartish. So when we moved here, I didn't have an help cause Josh was just born. I practiced things. I remember that the kitchen is 18 steps from my room, the kettle on the fire is 7 steps from this chair and so on."

 I nod." what about your parents?" She shudders." They didn't take this as welcoming as Josh did. It started to show when I was younger. And I would just get little snippets of things. And this was before the accident. And my parents thought I was a freak. They started not caring about me. Miss peregrine, do you know what it is like to feel like no one cares anymore? That there won't be someone there for you when you need it?" I pat her hand with simplifying. " No, I don't. But I know that there are others in the world that feel the same way as you do." She shakes her head slowly.

 "Do you know how I became Blind? After my parents decided that I am a freak, My 3-year-old self, who knew nothing at the time. Got a hold of some of Mother's cleaning products that were open and drank a whole bottle." A loud bang was heard from outside the front." They're home." Fear was in her eyes." I will get the door and the kettle. Josh stay here with Miss Peregrine and talk to her." She got up and went to the front. 

" So Josh, how close are you to your sister?" He smiles down at his toy train." We love each other. She made this train for me. She told me that one day when I'm older, that this train might take me somewhere." I smile at the boy. Then an older couple, about their mid 40's, walked in with baskets of food." Hello. I'm Miss Peregrine." I shake hands with the couple." Mr. and Mrs. Archer. What can we do for you?" I smile." I am a caretaker of a home for children. I wanted to ask Lena if she would like to come with me, for I take care of special children, Peculiar children. And I find Lena one of the most peculiar child I have ever met." I smile towards her and she smiles back.

 " Go ahead. The brat is just a drag anyways." I smile at them. " Thank you for cooperating. Lena, I will come and help you pack up in a second." She heads upstairs with her brother to start packing." Mr. And Mrs. Archer. I am sorry but I will be taking the boy as well." It was an argument but I got them to agree with me. I went upstairs and told the siblings of their travels." As we walk out of the house, a carriage pulls up and we pile in.

 " So Lena, I have 2 other children there already. They are different, like you. Olive is the same age as you. She can control air and is weightless. And Enoch is your age as well. I hope you all become great friends. He can make dead things, alive again. Only for a limited time of course." 

The rest of the ride is uneventful. No Hollows which is a good sign. When we arrived we went inside. " Well children, The rooms are upstairs. You can pick which ones you want. Olive  and Enoch are most likely in theirs. We will meet them after you start to unpack." Josh lead his sister up the stairs. I hope Emma and Enoch like them. 


First chapter!! I am so exicted. This is one of my better written stories if I do say so my self.

I will update soon, maybe tomorrow, but I will for sure. Thank you for reading my first chapter, see you later,


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