Chapter Six

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Eldon walked into the grove sore. Everything hurt. Muscles he didn't even know he had were hurting. Eldon thought that he had been in pretty good shape, but apparently not good enough for Gabe. Right after weapons training with Gabe they had gone to the stables to meet Githa to learn how to ride horses. It was a pretty boring class for Eldon, since he had spent most of his life around them. But it gave him a chance to say hi to Moon. He hadn't been around to visit her yet today.

Eldon was planning to study the math notes that had been taken today during the thirty minutes before his next class, which was the dangerous creatures class. Avice said that the Dangerous Creatures class was her favorite class. It was supposedly the one where they would learn about all the beasts they would encounter as knights. In this class, they would learn everything about these beasts and how to fight them.

Alex and Fira were already in the grove. Alex was in the higher branches of the tree, again. Fira had an old, dusty book open on her lap. Eldon set his stuff down next to Fira and looked over her shoulder while he was sitting down.

"Who is Raek?"

Fira glanced up to see Eldon reading the open page. "He's the founder of the Ridel Knights."

"The founder?" Eldon looked up at Fira before reading more on the page. "Aren't they a secret group? How could you just find information like this?"
"It's old. Not useful anymore. They release stuff like that after a certain amount of time. It's all in the library."

"It is?"

"Yeah. But I got this book for you. I've already read it before."

Fira closed the book and handed it to Eldon.

"This entire book is just on the Ridel Knights?"


"Wow. That's a lot." Eldon wasn't sure if he could even read through all of it.

"Better get to it." Fira pulled out another old tome and started flipping through that one.

"How do you even fit those into your bag?" Alex was hanging upside down by his knees on a branch right above Fira and Eldon's heads.

"It's a lot easier when you actually try to stay neat." Fira shot a pointed look up at Alex.

"Hey, it's not like I have a lot of stuff to make a mess with, anyway." Alex shrugged, as much as he could hanging upside down, and flipped over Eldon and Fira onto the ground.

"You must excel in weapons training." Eldon said, trying not to laugh at the way that Fira had shrieked when she thought Alex was going to land on her.

Fira blushed and tried to kick Alex, who quickly jumped out of her reach. "Jerk. I thought you were gonna fall on me." 

"Were you scared?" Alex taunted.

Fira responded with a steady glare.

Eldon laughed and glanced back down at the open book in his lap and noticed a picture doodled in the top left hand corner of the page. Eldon recognized it as the picture on the Ridel Knights pin. He started flipping through the pages of the book, looking at the corners. He noticed that a few more pages also had the image scribbled on them. There couldn't have been more than ten of them total. Eldon wondered why just those pages were marked. It had to mean something.


Eldon looked up and saw Myla staring him back in the face.

"Hm? Myla? When did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago, actually. What are you so into?"

Eldon looked around to find Fira on her feet, with all of her stuff packed away, and Alex was already gone.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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