Summer time

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As I awoke my eyelids flickered open and I saw the light colored room. It was sunny outside which caused my room to brighten up. I brushed my long blonde hair out of my face and sat up rubbing my eyes. It was only my second day through my long three month summer, and all I've done so far was sleep and be lazy. 'the life'.

I checked my iPhone to see what time it was. My eyes widened when I realized it was almost noon. My mom was at work same with my dad. I mean it wasn't to bad being the only child but being 16 was hard because my parents are so over pretective. I would always have to sneak out just to hang with some friends or meet up with some guys. I loved being single because i can flirt with anyone and so much less drama.

I stood up and walked over to my huge body mirror. lll admit I was spoiled and always had money to do stuff. I stared at the reflection. Looking at my tan skinny body, seeing my light brown eyes and long blonde hair which went down to my butt. I had just a tank top and short pj bottoms on. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and made my way out to the kitchen.

It was silent. The cold tile hit my feet as I walked over to the fridge and opened it looking for good food. I loved food, it was like my husband. I didn't find much so I went over to my pantry and saw some pancake mix. I desided to make some pancakes and eggs. Once I was finished eating and cleaning up my mess, I went back to my room and grabbed my phone and sat down on my bed and unlocked it and read my messages from my friends.

"Hey Brennly! wake up already! Let's hang today?!(:" - that one was from Bella. one of my best friends. I replied with , "Hi sorry haha I love sleeping! Ya we can totally chill today!(:" as soon as the message sent I went on Instagram and scrolled down. I was suprized to find my friend Tracy had tagged me in a picture. I clicked on it and there I found a picture telling about this huge party this weekend for a boy named josh. His 17th birthday. It was obvious Tracy wanted to go that's why she tagged me in it. I screen shoted it and locked my phone.

I walked over to my closet and looked through my huge selection of clothes to wear for the day. I picked out a turcoise blue crock top tank top that had a white diamond on it. Then I grabbed some white high waisted shorts and jeweled sandals. I set it out on my bed and went to take a shower.

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