Haden transported dad’s soul?

               “Hay…you…if you didn’t transport his soul, he would be alive!” I accuse sharply, pushing Haden away from me.

               “Baby girl!” comes dad’s stern admonition. “He did good. He was doing his job and he made things extremely comfortable for me. I owe him a lot. Apologize to him.”

I lick my lips, taking a deep breath.


               “Don’t sweat it. I understand,” Haden says in his normal voice. “Connor would like to speak to you now.”

I feel a tingly feeling on my forehead and I understand it as my father’s goodbye.

               “Bye dad,” I whisper.

               “Hi sis.”

Once again Haden’s voice takes on a different property. Less tenor than his usual voice, but closer to what Connor sounded like.

               “I’m so sorry Connor!”

               “Don’t be sorry, Skye. You couldn’t have done anything.”

               “I should have tried. I should have got a doctor in sooner…if I had…maybe…” I break off, biting my lower lip to stop myself from crying.

Haden’s arm locks around my waist, probably trying to tell me that he’s here for me without having to break out of character.

               “Skye, if you had gotten a doctor to come early and if I did survive, I’d be miserable. I’d be disabled for the rest of my life. It’s better this way.”

               “How is it better?! You’ve left us!” I accuse bitterly.

               “It wasn’t my choosing, Skye. But it happened. Either you look on the bright side and pick yourself up or you continue moping. Either way, it’s not going to change the fact that it happened!”

               “I’m not moping…I’m grieving!” I mutter.

               “I know, sis, I know. I’m touched by how much you do love dad and I, I really am. But you’ve grieved enough. Don’t make those around you suffer now. Your friends are worried about you.”

               “I know,” I mumble.

               “So get out of here and go back where you belong. Be happy, smile. Don’t be sad over our lack of future, be happy for all the times we did have.”

I begin crying silently again.

               “Can I come see you again?” I ask.

               “That depends. This isn’t healthy for you Skye, nor is it good for Haden. You’ll be alright, kid. You’re strong. Remember I’ll be watching over you. So be good Skye. Also, dad’s watching you too. So if you intend to do…naughty stuff…well, be prepared.”

Haden chuckles on his own accord and I immediately know he changed Connor’s words.

A small smile forms on my lips and I nod my head.

               “I love you, Con. And goodbye.”

               “Love you more, sis. Take care of yourself!”

Commitments, Changes and a whole lot of ComplicationsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα