Chapter 1

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I woke up, feeling exhausted yet energized. I kept thinking about how today was my first Team Edge day with Amanda's husband Matthias and his brothers. Amanda and I had known each other for years, and now that I had moved to L.A., we finally got to see each other again.

My phone buzzed with excitement. It was a phone call from Amanda. I answered it right away.

"Hello?" I said, smiling.

"(Y/N)! It's so great to hear your voice," said Amanda. "How's it going?"

"Great!" I replied, smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm good, the baby's good, and-"

"BABY?!" I shrieked, excited with this surprise. "You have a baby?"

"Oh, that's right! I forgot to tell you. Her name's Luna. She's due in a month!" Amanda replied excitedly. "I'm finally going to be a mother!"

"That's fantastic!" I cried. "So, when should I head over?"

"Anytime. If you hurry up, we can eat breakfast together."

"Okay, I'll be quick. When's breakfast?"

"How does 45 minutes sound?

"Great! See you then." I hung up and reached towards my dresser for the outfit I had laid out. I didn't have a Team Edge shirt, but I figured if I needed one Matthias would have one handy. I was wearing a white t-shirt and jean shorts, a very plain outfit. At the last minute I switched to a black one, not knowing if I would get messy.

I quickly put my hair up but decided against makeup. I was about to hop in my car when Amanda pulled up at my apartment.

"Hi (Y/N)! We decided to go out for breakfast. Hop in!" Amanda ordered, smiling. I sat in the passenger seat. "Matthias is taking his car because he had to go do something with Bryan and J-Fred. They're coming too."

"Awesome! Can I put on some songs?" I asked. When Amanda nodded, I put on my favorite song- "Backwards" by...oh!

"Matthias would be happy to hear that you like his song," Amanda commented. I blushed.

"I just realized that it was by him. I'll put on something else." I reached for my phone but Amanda grabbed it before I could.

"No, I like this song. Keep playing." She set the phone back down and I sang the lyrics, knowing them perfectly. "Hey, you're a great singer!" I blushed again.

"Thanks." I smiled as I put on "Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots.

"I love this song!" Amanda exclaimed. Soon, we pulled up at the diner that she had chosen. Three men stepped out of the car next to us. They were all wearing their Team Edge shirts, and I quickly noted their names in the back of my mind. "Hi, guys! This is (Y/N). She's joining us."

"Hi, I'm Matthias," Matthias said.

"I know!" I replied excitedly. "I mean, I'm a big fan of your channel. You're awesome." Matthias grinned.

"I'm Bryan," said the one in the red.

"And I am Joey," J-Fred added.

"It's nice to meet you all! And, if it's not a big deal, can I take a selfie with you guys? You know, for Twitter. I think the fans will get excited."

"Oh! You're that (Y/N)! It's great to meet you," said Bryan. "I'm a fan, actually." I smiled and took a picture with them. Immediately, my phone started blowing up. All of them, including Amanda, got a Twitter notification. I blushed, flattered that they had turned my notifications on.

More Than A J-Friend- A J-Fred x Reader FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora