"Oops" I say he raises an eyebrow.

"Really oops" he says I shrug.

"Sorry I needed to see if I left my phone" I say "which I didn't" I add he chuckles.

"Well next time stop and look don't keep walking you're known as a clumsy person hen it comes to walking" he says.

"Hey that's just rude" I say we go into the elevator and leave the building. "So hats the teacup ride chase was talking about?" I ask.

"It's a whole bunch of giant teacups that spin" he says.

"Let's do it" I say.

"But that means stuck in a cup with...chase" he whines.

"Whatever it's for me dumbo" I say he groans and starts walking to the teacups we get the chase is right there with Aaron. "It looks weird 2 guys standing in like for a teacup ride" I say with a laugh.

"Yeah it is" Grayson say. We go next to them Aaron smiles at me.

"Hey babe" he says flinging a Han over my shoulder I chuckle to myself because I know Grayson will get jealous but we haven't told anyone about us.

"You haven't talked much during the trip" I say surprised.

"I know weird right?" He says I nod I take a little glance at Grayson Who is glaring and his jaw clenched.

"Yup weird" I say.

"You know there's always drama in this friend group and you just make it Bette for all of us" he says.

"Thanks that was sweet" I say. "But I don't think I make it better for mister grumpy Grayson" I say laughing.

"Why wouldn't you" Aaron says.

"I don't know I'm a bitch to him" I say he chuckles Grayson pulls out his phone as we wait in the line.

"Why is he grumpy today?" He asks.

"Um I don't know" I say I bend down and tie my shoe leaving Aaron's arm loose and letting it fall to his side. "Get why are you so mad today" I say he glances at me and shrugs. I pop back up from tying my shoe.

"I'm not mad...just annoyed" he says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Whys that" I ask.

"You know exactly why Mal" he says.

"No I don't would you mind jogging my memory" I ask. "Because I think there's two reasons for you being annoyed" I say.

"Nope..." He says.

"There's some real sexual tension going on here" chase says. We both look at him.

"Shut up" we both say annoyed he puts his hands up in defeat.

"Sure" I say we're in the front of the line we all sit in the teacup a soon they all start spinning.

After I'm dizzy. We get out. "That was something" I say.

"Yeah I guess it's more fun when you're a kid" chase says.

"I'm just super dizzy" I say.

"Me too" Grayson says.

"That's wasn't a good choice" chase says I stare at him blankly.

"You dumb idiot why did you tell us to go with you" I say annoyed.

"I just thought because you've never want you want to" he says.

"Whatever I'm going to get some water" I say walking away Grayson catches up.

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