Studying and Pizza

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The week seemed to drag with the amount of time Stiles spent studying on the nights. Monday; study. Tuesday; study. Wednesday; study, Thursday; study and now Friday was heading the same way. He tapped his pencil against his book while trying to figure out how to get the most marks out of a question.

Stiles had kept the TV on, not to procrastinate or anything (well, not intentionally) but to take his mind off the work now and again when he needed a break. He glanced up at the screen, then back at the work. This was not going to get any easier. Setting his pencil down gently, he placed his head in his arms on the table and let out a very muffled yell. Studying every night did not bring out the best in him.

'Okay, a little break, that seems fair,' Stiles whispered to himself. Returning his gaze to whatever was on the TV, his eyelids began to droop. The next thing he knew, he was making little comments about every ad that came on.

'Dominoes. Oh my god, I want pizza. Should I get pizza? No Stiles, do not get pizza.' Stiles got his phone out and rang the pizza place. He continued making comments until an ad for acupuncture came on.

'We're a new business here in Chicago hoping to relieve all that stress you may have. Acupuncture isn't as painful as you think! When the needles go in, it doesn't hurt at all!' The lady on the TV seemed to ramble on.

Stiles chuckled to himself before whispering, 'the only needle that could relieve me of stress would be Derek's'. He continued to watch with a slight smirk at his joke when he decided he should make his way downstairs for a drink, after all, he had been working for over a full half hour, quite tiring if you ask him. As he stood up and turned around, his immediate instinct was to grab his bat when he saw a shadow next to the door. Taking a swing at it, strong hands grabbed the bat as he walked out into the light. Derek.

'You want my needle, huh? At least buy me dinner first,' Derek said with a smirk. Stiles was horrified. How could he have let that comment slip? Damn work had made him too tired to even think about what he was saying. He put on a sheepish grin before saying,
'Ha, ha, hi Derek. I didn't really me-' the ring of the doorbell cut him off. Derek looked over his shoulder into the hallway.
'Hey, there's that dinner you should buy me first'.

They both made their way down the stairs, Derek to the table, Stiles to the door. After paying, he brought the pizza into the kitchen. He looked up at Derek to see him grinning widely. Before Stiles realised,
'How long were you in my room?'
'Oh, long enough. You were so out of it that you didn't hear me come through the window, I did knock. It was around the time you started having casual conversation with your TV.'
Stiles blushed. Now he looked weird in front of the werewolf that could easily drop him from the pack if needs be. It didn't help that he kind had a thing for Derek.

'So, how about that pizza?' Derek's question snapped Stiles out of whatever daydream he was having.
'You have this half. I'm not always that weird, I swear, I just- the studying's tough, you know? I have to get a ton of questions done in time for a bunch of tests in a few weeks and it's taking its toll on me. I do enjoy school though, it's just difficult sometimes'.
Despite Stiles continuous ramblings, Derek listened intently. It was sort of cute in a way. He wanted to know what was troubling him.

After finishing their pizza, Stiles took the plates to the sink when Derek came up behind him. Whispering gently in his ear, he said,
'Now that you've bought me dinner, you might be able to get my 'needle' at some point'. The effect had what he wanted, Stiles spun around blushing profusely. Derek leaned forward. Just before they made contact, Stiles spoke up.

'Look, as much as I want to kiss you, and trust me, I do. Like, a lot, I really need to get this work done so you can stay and help me and I'll kiss you after?' He grinned up at Derek. It was a win-win situation really. Derek glared his famous glare for a few seconds before caving in. Stiles let out an excited 'yay!' before dragging a reluctant Derek up the stairs.

After numerous hours of hard work, they grew tired. Stiles was just about ready to fall off his chair before Derek caught him and held him up. He muttered a few words along the lines of 'I think I should go home'.

Stiles darted up. 'No, stay, please. I need help studying. It's Saturday tomorrow, we can study in the morning.'
Derek smirked before saying 'Stiles Stilinksi, did you just ask me to stay the night?' Stiles eye grew wide realising what he had said.
'No! I mean, you can if you want! I'm not forcing you, it's not a weird stalker thi-'
'I'd love to.'

After an appropriate amount of eye glancing between the two as one another got undressed, they climbed into the bed.

Just as Stiles was drifting off, strong arms twisted him around and kissed him lightly before returning him to his normal position. Derek rested his arms across Stiles middles and placed his head next to Stiles ear and said in the faintest of voices;
'There's the kiss you promised me.'

They both fell asleep shortly after that. Give or take a few hours when the Sheriff returned home, he entered Stiles room with a smile, seeing the two close together snoring softly.

Studying and Pizza (Sterek)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя