Game On

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So I'm just writing in the POV of either Draco, Ginny or Harry. But it will mainly be based on the Times Draco and Ginny meet each other. J K Rowling owns the characters.

Draco's POV

'How dare that brainless ignorant Weasel to that to me. I don't care if she's a girl or not she will feel my wrath. Bloody weasel must be more brain dead than I thought she was if she thinks she's going to get away with that. I'll show her!!'

That thought has been in my brain, re-playing itself continually. To be fair to her she's good at avoiding me cc, but then again she is a weasel and there known for being sneaky. But I will get the last laugh even if it kills me.

Pansy has started to get on my nerves, she's my girlfriend but god damn she's clingy. She's as bad as a leech, only a leech will let go if you burn its head off. Her on the other hand... I'm not entirely sure. But I have to put up with her or she'll tell her parents, and her parents will inform my parents and my father will not be to pleased, as he is the one that made me go out with Pansy.

I see a mop of red hair in front of me. I charge towards it. I stop just short of her, I'm not really sure why. I guess I just noticed she doesn't have the same colour hair as the rest of them other weasels i've had unfortunate encounters with. It's a nicer shade, wait what am I saying, she's a no good mudblood and muggle lover.

"Weasel." I say. She doesn't turn around, she just ignores me. Bitch!! I grab her arm only to notice that I'm about two inches shorter then her. God damn it.

"Weasel." I say more loudly. She turns around to me, with an exasperated look on her face.

"What do you want shrimpy?" So she noticed the height difference.

"Weasley I'm going to make you sorry you were ever born." I hiss at her. She still looks down at me as if she doesn't have a care in the world, with that amused sparkle still gleaming in her eyes.

"Are you now? And how are you going to do that?" She says and stops before adding. "Shrimpy."

"Don't you dare call me that again Weasel. Or else." I hate that name it makes me feel powerless.

"Or else what shrimpy?" She laughs at me. Before turning on her heel and striding away from me, presumably to her next class. Leaving me flabbergasted, she has some nerve doing that to me.

"Game on Weasley." I whispered to myself. Before I to, had to make my way to my own class.

**** A few days later****

I see her, sitting in the corner of the library by herself. It's now or never.

"Hello Malfoy." She says. Before I even get within five foot of her.

"How did you know I was there?" I asked bewildered.

She brings her finger up and taps the side of her nose.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

I give her one of my world famous smirks.

"Well Weasley. I just came to show you something I found." She looks at me like i've lost the plot, that is until I bring out her notebook. I'd already looked through her writing, it wasn't a diary. It was just a note book where she doodled a lot and also wrote down some things. I flip it to the funniest page I found in there and start reading aloud to her.

"Mrs Ginny Potter. Ginny Potter. Mrs Potter. Arthur and Molly Weasley would like to invite you to the wedding of Miss Ginny Weasley and Mister Harry Potter." She'd drawn the latest sentence in a envelope. He looked over at her, she was bright red and avoided all means of eye contact.

"Give it back Malfoy." She demanded.

"Sorry no can do. You've broken my heart Weasley. I mean here's me thinking we would marry in the future." I said, sarcastically mocking her.

"I hate you Malfoy." She scowled at me.

"No you don't Weasley, you love me really." I smirked.

"There is no way in hell I'd ever love you Malfoy." These words coming from her mouth made me feel something twinge in my chest. But I was to happy that I was getting under her skin to care.

"Let's make a game then shall we. If you agree to it, you'll get your little notebook back."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I will let the book get passed around through the whole Slytherin house."

"Fine. Fine. I agree to the game."

"Okay then. You've already agreed. First to develop feelings for the other loses."

"Well that's going to be easy. Cause that's never going to happen." She gloats at me.

"We'll just have to wait and see though won't we Weasel." I say as I hand the notebook back to her.

"Game on Malfoy."

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