Queen Texts 3

123 16 6

Group Chat: Roger, John, Brian, Freddie

Roger🤑😍: John, could you please explain this picture of you in short shorts?

Roger🤑😍: John, could you please explain this picture of you in short shorts?

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John🐢🐟: I'll explain only if you explain this picture.

Roger🤑😍: Women love my many faces

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Roger🤑😍: Women love my many faces. 😉😉
Bri🐥: Yeah, and women love Freddie's perky tits.
FreddieFredFredFred😊😁: Wait, what?!
Bri🐥: Never mind
FreddieFredFredFred😊😁: It's a lie and no one told me?! All this time I thought women loved that!

~FreddieFredFredFred😊😁 left the chat~

Roger🤑😍: Nice going Brian, now you made Freddie mad.
John🐢🐟: This is different usually it's you Roger who makes him mad. This is new.
Roger🤑😍: John you are not helping!
Bri🐥: Great now I feel bad.
John🐢🐟: Ahh Bri would you like a hug?
Bri🐥: Yes.
John🐢🐟: Ask Roger.
Roger🤑😍: Brian I'll give you a hug and a cup tea.
John🐢🐟: And some cheese on toast!
Bri🐥: No. I don't want I hug from you Roger, and I don't want tea or cheese on toast. I'm going to go apologise to Freddie.

~Bri🐥 left the chat~

John🐢🐟: So......
Roger🤑😍: What's with the turtle?
John🐢🐟: I think it's adorable. What's with the money face?
Roger🤑😍: I like money.
John🐢🐟: Do you like money more than you like girls?
Roger🤑😍: The hell you ask me that?!
John🐢🐟: I just wanted to know. Lol
Roger🤑😍: Geez😑
John🐢🐟: I'm gonna leave, it seems like your on you man period or something.

~John🐢🐟 left the chat~

Roger🤑😍: I don't like money more than girls, right?

~FreddieFredFredFred😊😁 joined the chat~

FreddieFredFredFred😊😁: Yeah, you like(love) money more than women.

~FreddieFredFredFred😊😁 left the chat~

Roger🤑😍: I didn't ask you Bulsara.

~Roger🤑😍 left the chat~


Hello hello lovies, I really like that you like my Queen Texts, and also just wanted to say I love you all so much, going through the comments you leave on my book just always gives me a smile and I'm really happy you are enjoying it.
AnyWho have a great day/night. ✌️❤️

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