"I doubt that'll work." Emil huffed, his inner stroppy teenage self was coming out, "Who knows what they'll react like.They could call the police for all we knew."

"We ca' see wha' happen'." Berwald replied, making Y/N nod in agreement, "Indeed Berwald. See Emil, be like Berwald." She heard a sigh of annoyance from the Icelandic, making Y/N smile.

"Y/N." Mathias called from the back, "Yes?" "Is there a chance I can sit at the front with you? Only the mature and the oldest can sit at the front." He proclaimed proudly, earning glares from his fellow brothers.

"I don't think so, it's dangerous for little children like you to sit at the front." Mathias' smile dropped as he could hear the amusement in her voice, "Idiot, let her drive." Lukas growled beside him, making Mathias laugh half-heartedly, "Oh Lukas" He placed his arm around the Norwegian's shoulder, "Soon, maybe one day you too could sit at the front-ACK!" Bold mistake was made by the Dane as he was silently chocked by Lukas once again.

Whilst the journey was disturbed by Mathias dying, Y/N could only think of the worse that could happen when she would eventually get to her friend's house.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~"Ah, a beautiful morning indeed." Arthur sighed in content, staring out of his window briefly, staring at the quiet road that he lived on.

The Brit enjoyed his mornings very much, usually waking up morning to pretty much do the same routine: have his morning tea rituals-I mean break-, attempt to cook some food, burn the food, spend five minutes cursing and swearing, either get interuppted by Francis or Alfred, and repeat for the next day.

He sighed heavily, walking over to sit in one of his armchairs, listening in to the radio playing quietly classical music, picking up his cup of earl grey and sipping slowly at the British beverage.

An abrupt snap knock at the door brought him to his senses, as he grumbled, his mood slightly changing sour, "Bloody hell" he grumbled, "I swear if its that frog, I won't let him ruin my day." He stood to his feet, walking to his door.

He opened the door to his good friend, Y/N, her hair slightly messy as well as her clothes, and she was breathing quickly. "Hey Arthur." She sighed, standing awfully close towards the door, making Arthur stand back a bit. "Am I interuptting you at this moment?" She asked quietly.

"Love? Are you okay? You look awfully flushed. Are you sick?" He didn't want to grimace at the word of illness, it took him so long to get back to health. Y/N shook her head quickly, "I'm okay- well, not exactly." She begun, Arthur's green eyes staring confusingly into hers, coaxing her to continue, "There's a problem with the Nordic brothers."

Arthur was a bit confused by this, "What do you mean?"

Y/N didn't say anything, sighing heavily as she stepped to the side, Arthur greeted by the brothers, well not in the way he expected.

Mathias was the first to meet Arthur's gaze, "What's up old man?" He grinned, earning a small slap at the back of his head from Lukas.

Y/N was expecting some kind of shocked response to this outcome, but instead, he slowly stepped to the side, allowing the six to come into his house. Y/N cautiously shut the door behind her, as she awkwardly watched from behind.

A small chuckle escaped the Brit's mouth as he knelt down in front of Lukas, "Would you look at that, what did you do this time chap?" Arthur placed his hand on the Norwegian's shoulder. Lukas grumbled something in his own language, "Don't look at me to blame" Lukas pointed towards the Dane, "It's his fault that we're like this in the first place."

Arthur sighed, standing back to his original height, "Well, I can't say that this has happened to me before. It's been years since I've last heard of a spell like this going wrong."

Spells? Hold on..

"Wait a minute." Y/N quietly begun, "You're telling me... that you know... magic?" Arthur met the female's gaze, a small smile on his face, "Runs in the family love. Learning magic has been something that has been in my family's history for generations."

Y/N shook her head, "This doesn't make sense. Magic? It seems a little like something from Harry Potter don't ya think?"

"Nonsense! Don't believe that magic is just all fiction. Magic does exist. Don't just take it from me, take it from Lukas too." Y/N looked over at the Norwegian, who gave a curt nod, "Mine comes from old Norse spells and magic books that I have back from thousands of years ago." Lukas said.

"For now, I'm uncertain if the spell is permanent or not, since I haven't worked with this for a while. I do say Lukas, do you remember the spell you were looking at?" Arthur asked, Lukas nodded, "Good, we could perhaps start working on that as soon as possible. I'm guessing you don't want to be like this forever?"

Lukas gave a quick glare over at Mathias, "I would believe the idiot wouldn't mind staying like this, apparently he doesn't mind." The look Mathias gave back was priceless, "Wha? I never said that-"

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I heard you wanting to stay like this." You could just about see the small smirk on the corner of Lukas' mouth, he was getting too much amusement out of torturing his brother.

Y/N heard the heavy sigh come from Emil, muttering something along the lines of 'hurry up' or 'I'm starving here, don't worry about me'. Arthur smiled, before giving a curt nod himself, "Fine then, I best be working with Lukas then to help bring you all back to normal then."

The others nodded, "Artie, is it okay if I cook something up for the guys, we've didn't have any breakfast this morning." Arthur nodded, "Sure love, go ahead." Y/N moved briskly towards the kitchen and begun to get things ready for a late meal.

Unsure and uncertain of what to do, the other four decided to spread out and relax, whilst Lukas and Arthur moved upstairs into his attic, beginning to work on a spell that would hopefully bring the five Nordics back to their usual selves.

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